What kind of wife will I have


  • Curiosity

    What kind of wife will I have

    will she be mean?
    will she talk alot?
    does she snore?
    can she cook does she like to work?
    does she want kids?

    Why don't I just ask her?

    are you mean?
    do you talk alot?
    do you snore ?
    can you cook?
    do you like to work?
    do you want kids?
    last will you marry me?

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    Elke commented on What kind of wife will I have


    Nice...you have a very direct way about you. I enjoy your fecetiousness. I also like the structure of your poems. I wish I could get to the heart of things like you. Elke

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    crash’s Poems (3)

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    The Day I Made My Mother Cry 0
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    What kind of wife will I have 1