Why I Write...


  • Passion

    Why I Write...

    I write because God blessed me with the ability to do so. I write because it’s easy. I write because it relieves me. I write because it needs me…if not me, who else would tell my story? I write to express emotions. I write to relieve pain. I write because it’s hard to talk. I write because words come out as screams accompanied by tears. I write because if not my dreams would fade. I write because I make mistakes and can’t bring myself to apologize to your face. I write because you don’t respond. I write to be your favorite song. I write to run. I write to hide. I write when I cry deep inside. I write to burn energy. I write to explain the chemistry between you and me, what we are, what we hope to be. I write to rise. I write to fall. I write to explain it all, all that is on my mind at that time. I write to rhyme. I write to save time, don’t want to waste if arguing. I write to relieve sexual tension.I write to tell my secrets. I write I write to put life into prospective. I write set my goals. I write to show my soul. I write because I love to read and that inspires words. I write because my temper gets me into trouble. I write because it rains and fills my heart with pain. I write to remember. I write to forgive. I write to pray. I write to keep in touch. I write to say goodbye. I write to live, and live to write. I write during the day and late at night. I write because writing is my first love and my favorite past time. I write because words can stand the test of time. I only write in ink so my words are forever.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Free2beme’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Imperfect Love 0
    Yea I said It 1
    The Past,,, 0
    2 his Ex 0
    Why I Write... 0
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