" Once In A While, In Your Life Time "


" Once In A While, In Your Life Time "

Once In A While, In your Lifetime,
After Many Days Gone By
You May Have Tears To Cry

I'll Be A Memory....
A Precious Life Passed On
But,In My Heart, Will Be A New Song

Please....,Don't Be Sad
Be Grateful To God, for 
The Years Shared,& for all the good times We Had.

Once In A While, In your Lifetime,
You Will Hear, See And Feel Me
I Will Be The Wind, Brushing Through
Your Hair. I Will be
That Sweet Spirit, Dancing In The
Moonlight Air.

You'll Hear The Trumphets Sound
And Think Of Me.
The Love And Memories Will Go On
Forever Into Eternity.

Once In A While, In Your Lifetime,
When You Need Me
I'll Be With Thee...

FlowerGirl/pmt Copyright (c) 2010

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theroamingcrow commented on " Once In A While, In Your Life Time "


FlowerGirl, this poem is amazing I truly had tears build up in my eyes as I read this as it is so true... I lost a very dear friend who was also my pastor 2 and a half years ago and I still swear she speaks to me through nature. Her Sermons come to life all the time for me... Thank you for this, You have an amazing Talent keep up the good work. I haven't been writing much of late but want to pick back up with it. The Roaming Crow



Awe. Roaming Crow, Wow! As I Read your words of how my poem touched you... You touched me, because, as with all my poems, I speak from My Heart. And, I truly believe in God, the Universe, and those things, which we also can not, or never will fully grasp an understanding of such as the Power of Nature, the True Signs that it Gives, how God is Real, how we know it, even though we can't see him...but, in our Hearts we know he lives!!! Etc. I am Sorry to hear of your Pastor, and Very Dear Friend. "May her Spirit, that continues to live, through you Memories, continue to Be a Blessing Upon your Life.....I also want to ENCOURAGE YOU TO SEARCH WITHIN YOUR HEART, FOR THE COURAGE AND WILL TO WRITE AGAIN, NOT SURE WHAT HAS TAKEN YOU FROM IT. BUT, CONTINUE TO "TRUST IN URSELF, AND YOUR ABILITIES. MAY YOU HAVE FAITH, THAT YOU ARE SPECIAL IN YOUR IMAGE, AND IN GOD. WHEN SOMETHING IS GIVEN TO US AND PLANTED INTO OUR HEARTS BY GOD, I DON'T BELIEVE IT EVER GOES AWAY FROM US...I BELIEVE, THAT WE LEAVE IT TO REST. SO MAY YOU FIND THE MISSING LINK, AND SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE.....I FEEL THAT YOU HAVE MUCH, MUCH MORE YET TO SHARE WITH US! LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR NEXT POEM....SMILE.... AND THANK YOU FOR THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF MY WRITING. I LOVE ENCOURAGING OTHERS, AND BEING ENCOURAGED AS WELL... PEACE, & BLESSINGS FLOWER GIRL

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)