

  • Love


    Your silky saxophone tone rolls over air with an effervescence that excites me

    Moving through me like warm chamomile settling to the bottom of my stomach

    And coating my emotions with sentiment

    I lift my glass on your behalf…

    I will gladly drink to your affections and sip on the moments of expression

    that locked our eyes in a tender embrace

    flirting with the melody of two hearts engaged in a dance

    your spirit twirls me around out, and then in again

    …I know exactly who I am when I am in your arms…

    Your silent touch whispers softly every line and verse of your intentions

    And my desire hums the chorus

    Hitting every high note to shift the dimensions of ecstasy

    into full body erections that stand submerged in divine essence

    massaged by the energy of the universe

    our song is the last and the first

    from the creation of time and eternity

    the everlasting flow of ebony

    man and woman in unity

    consuming life with the fluidity of our movement

    and releasing our masculine and feminine selves to the ethers

    we lie exposed to the cosmos

    and together we sing of the Love we have made…

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Khym’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Diagnosis 0
    My Hands 1
    Let Me Cry 2
    Special Friend 1
    Nubian 0
    Natural Blend 0
    Culmination 0
    Conception 0
    Now 0
    Out From the Flame 0
    Yesterday's Child 0
    Poetic Affair 0
    I am Poetry 0
    Random Thoughts of Love 0
    Silent Questions 0
    Indigo Light 0
    Surrender 0