Poetic Affair


  • Love

    Poetic Affair


    Time was not at all gentle or kind

    Experience was a firm teacher and writing was my refuge

    In my writing, I found a safe place, a voice, an outlet, a reason to dream, and a way to love

    In my poetry, I found passion, desire and freedom

    I found me

    I discovered that despite the ugly face of victimization,

    I was truly beautiful

    I had character and flow

    I had purpose and meaning

    I had a heart…and then he came

    No doubt from some silver lined cloud from the abyss of Nirvana,

    He stepped right into my soul

    Instantly, my spirit committed myself to him

    He rearranged and amplified my definition of poetry

    He rearranged and amplified my definition of love

    He poured into my life like liquid honey

    Sweet indeed!

    I wanted to dip my instantiated fingertips into every part of his existence and relish the taste of his essence

    I wanted to lose myself in him in much the same way I am lost and found

    In the eloquence and profundity of a well written verse

    His eyes wrote our script and the language of his movement served as

    That creative muse that inspired our connection

    His touch set me free

    So I fell freely, wanting to love him

    I wanted to love him the same way I loved my writing

    I wanted to take refuge in him

    Find meaning and purpose in him

    Poetry seemed to be my reason for living

    And he was my reason for loving

    He was beautiful

    He had character and flow

    He gave me a safe place to love and a reason to dream

    In him, I found passion and desire

    Desire to love

    Through him I saw my heart and opened it up to the privilege of loving with

    Restrictions or fear

    He gave me an outlet and a voice

    To resolutely proclaim “I love you”

    I am free in him

    And free in the poetic river of our love

    Far more gentle than the rhythm of time

    The lines of our soul rhyme

    And together

    We flow…



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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Khym’s Poems (17)

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