infiniti’s Profile
- Age: 65
- Location: Beverly, NJ
- Gender: Female
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
My love for the written word inspires me to sleep, eat and drink poetry.
I've been reading poetry since I was a child and as I got older I start putting my thoughts and feeling into poems. I can get inspired by many things, a person, thoughts or just one word in which I can build a poem around. I love to write about social issuses and human feeling that may or may not answer the questions of why we do the things we do. For me it comes easy, I may have a thought and just develope it then profect it in my head then I write it down. I don't often go back like other writers because for me it is what it is when it lands on paper. There is nothing more profound then going back on your writing and seeing how much you have grown. It is also my hope that you the reader enjoy my work. I beleive that poems are verbs that should move you in some form of action, To feel, smile, laugh, cry or just to think. Please check out " Verb Poems"
Recent Poems
- The Day After..........
- Tags: Life, Thought Provoking, Pain, Hope
- Standing in line people from all walks of life.Waiting patiently for a meal for it only comes once or twice a year. How bless are we for today we ...
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- Foolish One
- Tags: Life, Thoughts, Yearning, Reality
- Foolish one how long will you sit in that stuper worrying about what should or shouldn't had happened in your life. Will you continue to lie there in that foolish state ...
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- Closer Then Any Other
- Tags: Family, Friendship
- I'm not your lovernor your brother, but closer then any other. I came into your life maybe for a reason just by chance you should need me. I value good friendship like ...
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- I Move You........
- Tags: Love, Passion, Lust, Romance
- You can deny it because you just can't hide it.I Move YouFrom the top of my head to the bottom of my toes I Move YouFrom my compassion so deep that no other can reach. ...
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Profile Comments
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Beetle726 profile comment
- Infiniti, I have recently posted a few of my writings. Some are from several years ago. Please tell me what you think and I hope you enjoy some as much as I enjoy yours.
simoneaugustus profile comment
- I really enjoyed reading your work and have recently posted more of my own. I was wondering if you would mind giving me some feedback on a few of them? If you have the time, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
infiniti profile comment
- I come to inspire and be inspired by you!