Special Friend


  • Friends
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  • Love

    Special Friend

    How can u measure the worth of so special a friend?

    Your depth is far greater than any abyss

    And time does not compare to the eternity of tears that u swallowed just for me

    For the weight of my burdens that u carried without complaint

    Mere words can not express my thanks for the laughter you pulled out of my despair

    For the seasons of sharing and the love that was created

    Can u even begin to contemplate how immense my appreciation if for your openness and your grace?

    For the times when your silence was my understanding

    For your warm embrace

    Somehow u always seemed to know what to do

    Strong like a firmly rooted tree, u stood tall for me

    Bearing fruit and bringing life to my days

    So now is left me for to say

    Except I hope that our friendship will continues to bloom

    So that the blessings of God will always be upon us

    And with each new day we will proudly proclaim

    Again and again

    “I do”



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    GinasDiamond commented on Special Friend


    Your friend is very special! You only get one true friend like this in your life time. Very Good Poem!

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Khym’s Poems (17)

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