

  • Lost Love


    can the churning wheels of a bus
    deliver me away from that which has lent me to cry so long
    and so keening?
    How many transfers have i sat through
    ticket in my pocket
    perched on shoddy luggage
    anticipating release

    only to find the same sorrow
    taking the seat next to mine
    i beseach you
    quit following me

    don't i deserve escape
    from unrequited, defeated love

    I want to ride away from this terminal
    a lone passenger
    come to rest in the greeting
    of fresh clean love
    shuck off the stench
    of stale traveling companions

    i want to be forgiven for keeping
    such negligent company

    now boarding at gate 7

    Poem Comments


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    bklynrizz commented on disembark


    Nice poem. I agree with hx, a good allegory. You can run but you can't hide.

    Span commented on disembark


    Very good, I took gate 7 with you and found it quite fascinating to say the least, pulled me in you did and now I think I understand the more of you I did not. well written.

    jak commented on disembark


    keening. yes. fresh imagery. a few overstatements: unrequited defeated fresh clean love. needs a little tightening. good tho.

    hx commented on disembark


    Nice allegory. Beautiful language. Great work.

    jude commented on disembark


    Beautiful Brenda

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    brenda’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    my name is Brenda 5
    Little Red Riding Hood 2
    Maine or Bust 2
    Gutter Blues 1
    unsettled 1
    my old friend juanita 1
    screw you 6
    16 minutes till work 2
    uncomfortably bummed 2
    carefull what you wish for 4
    disembark 7