  • Other
    • Trailmixed
    • Looking inside the outside higher points of veiw, everyone has the answers...



    The eyed ideas I wander, are cooked.
    I have little faith in what the sheep have to 'Baa'
    Like hand to mouth I receive everyone's earwax up my sleeve like sheer lacks slacking geared up facts
    Metallic animals
    a flatulent poison whisper soft swifts sifting drifts drip volatile dedgration
    to the rift of my natural smell senses.
    Somehow the Federal funds funerals for corporate slimes
    wicked federations speak men’s appeal to the disturbed menstruations of a floating dime. A vomiting desire to attack these speeding creatures
    to tear their scare of racing dares even dignity.
    Ignorance blissfully reaps the sleeps of those aware.
    What is this?
    A symbol description like nimble
    To litter is a shrine to those who mutter nine
    Like the vampires butchered victim,
    screams are muted by the bounties of desire.
    Why matter?
    Like lines live how vines of ivy give
    With every climb a mind to dine with the botany of time.
    When the trees escape our worries
    Woes will turn Off limits cause this funky sense of Lime
    aint so sublime.

    Poem Comments


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    wwjd72 commented on FIND


    advanced material of a subtle and freeversed mind, encriptions of a bigger mentallity then those around it? All good. Try to keep it lovingly blunt! ( :



    freeversed mind...What is this term you use? I like it (::

    ginga commented on FIND


    Well Trail this is a masterpiece to me. I get the socio/poli bullshit. I believe we may have similar views. Anyhow this one enlightened me but it's they way you spat it out with the grit and grime, blood and slime that truly delivers the theme here. Thanks for your authentic style. Ginga

    SusanLee commented on FIND


    sheep speak to me differently

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Trailmixed’s Poems (28)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Tame the Soba soup 1
    Live! From Earth. 4
    HealZ 0
    Periferal Navigator 1
    El fuego está vivo! 0
    Message in the medium 0
    Capitol Parents 0
    Ready or not 0
    Food ism. 1
    wintea time. 1
    Writing rapped up 1
    Guardian Light Years 2
    Surfaced Island 1
    MONEY 0
    Fostered notice of human happiness! 2
    The Hereb Shoppe sorts! 1
    Catching The Matrix 0
    My Sea Turtle 4
    A rushed poet, Practice makes... 3
    Rigged birth 4
    Boasts of the 'Cowode' 2
    FIND 4
    Just a thought 4
    Experience 6
    Fractal 2
    From above 3