Kandrew’s Profile

is so sorry she's been away so long! Trying desperately to catch up!

  • Age: 55
  • Location: Baden, PA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


As I posted my poems on this site, I realized it had been years and years since I've read them. They brought me back to places I wish I had never been, yet in remembering them, I was forced to recognize and be grateful for the beautiful place where I now reside. The difference in my life between then and now is so great and vast that had those things in my past not affected me so deeply and cut wounds so roughly, I would have thought some one else put those words on paper.(back when we used paper). But wound they did. And deep they cut. And so I wrote them as they happened...and I'm glad I did. Surely I would not today be the person I am, had these events never taken place. As I read the poems of others, I was touched by their heartfelt pain, and admired their willingness to open their curtains and let the world look in. I also found myself smiling when I could peer into the joy of a mother's heart, a father's discovery, a child's victory. Oh the range of emotions we feel, express, and overcome! Maybe our poetry doesn't always have the right form or rythym for some...but hey, life itself is like that, ain't it? We have been created in such a way that although no two of us are exactly alike, each one of us has walked through similar pain and joy ...and surely, if we are willing to get past the fear of judgement, we have a lesson to share, a gift to give...and so...a reason to write...and even...to read. I'm glad there are places like this to honor the pieces of our life that make the whole of it.


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harobed profile comment


I am glad you back....keep writing my sister.

Paradice21 profile comment


Hoping All is Well out your way! Have A wonderful and Safe Weekend!

kdavidscott1 profile comment


I read a few of your poems and I love your work - I will be back - I also want to take this time to thank you for coming by - please do return I have some new postings I'm sure you'll enjoy... KD

Romano profile comment


Thank you for the add, i love your bio

Paradice21 profile comment


You’re a wonderful and excellent writer and if the biography that you wrote is bits and glimpses of you I know that you are extra special as well!! Thanks for sharing your work and world with us.

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Kandrew’s Poems (47)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Steeler Fan 10
Bitterness 13
Breathing Photograph 9
Still 6
Lost and Found 5
I want to buy a gun. 5
Loveball 4
I Don't Know the Words 3
I Stay 2
A bed of broken dreams 1
I rise 4
The Me I Don’t Wanna Be 5
A Perfect Stranger 6
Back Pocket Lover 0
Rwanda 1
No Strings Attached 3
My Ninjas 0
Good Morning 0
FOR YOU... 0
Lies of Armour 1
Ode to Jerry Garcia 0
And So I Ride 5
Birthright 3
I did it to myself 2
When I was a child 6
Where are you? 1
Reincarnated 2
Death deceves 1
Come meet her... 6
Chaos 2
Tossing Bones 6
With you...when you're not here. 1
how dare you? 3
Redemption 3
When will i learn? 2
Selfish longing 2
your shame 2
One Night on Sunday Morning 3
I Will Steel 5
Personified Promise 5
Aye Aye Captain 11
Change 8
Forgive Me, My Child 2
What Could've Been 6
The Great "I AM" 7
God's Chosen Gift 11