God's Chosen Gift


  • Family
    • Kandrew
    • is so sorry she's been away so long! Trying desperately to catch up!

    God's Chosen Gift

    I carried you…close to my heart
    Not knowing how much I was loving you…already.

    I named you…before we met
    Knowing your name would change…once more.

    I sang you…songs of "Sunshine"
    And I could feel you dancing…inside me.

    I pushed you…into this world
    And I swear I heard you cry…"mommy!"

    I held you…for the first time
    Still covered with my blood…and I cried.

    I told you…through the tears
    Of my dreams for your future…without me.

    I kissed you…all over your face
    Your legs, your arms, your hair…bitter-sweet.

    I begged you…to forgive me
    Praying you would understand…my life.

    I gave you…to another
    I cannot speak yet of the pain…the pain.

    I loved you…the way you love someone
    When you know you're gonna lose them …I loved you hard.

    I remember you…squeezing my finger
    As though pleading me to hang on…for us.

    I saw you…look me in the eyes
    As I placed you in her arms…good-bye

    I miss you…I can still smell you
    Fresh and newborn and mine…(I'm screaming)

    I love you…I will ALWAYS love you
    They told me they would tell you…how I love you.

    By Kelly Anne

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    soulwriter commented on God's Chosen Gift


    This peace is so personal and GOD inspired beautiful... you have no idea how this has touched others spirits - I pray for your hurt and praise you for your bravery. I will share this with many others. 10 for content and expression ---- for the greatest of all HONESTY.

    dragonsnap commented on God's Chosen Gift


    Very well written piece of poetry. I felt the loss in your words. Out in the world is a young woman named Kelli Jo. Born 04/87 who never got to know her Dad. My heart felt prayers I send tyou...

    Shadow70 commented on God's Chosen Gift


    What a wonderfull act of love. Even if told, there is no way that he can ever know the totality of your love and the gift the you gave not only to him but to his parents. My wife and I are trying to adopt and it is so hard. I can't wait untill we meet an angel like you. Thanks for sharing your story.



    Dear Shadow...thank you. I pray you will hold in your arms the child you long for. And that the child will always know your love. Blessings to you and your wife.

    Hiporlacking commented on God's Chosen Gift


    It hurt me to read that. You're very talented. I hope to see another piece of yours soon.

    Romano commented on God's Chosen Gift


    painful for any mother to have to go through and reading this makes you wonder why people abandon fetus or newborns the way they do, i felt every word as i read as if i was the mother. i love it

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Kandrew’s Poems (47)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Steeler Fan 10
    Bitterness 13
    Breathing Photograph 9
    Still 6
    Lost and Found 5
    I want to buy a gun. 5
    Loveball 4
    I Don't Know the Words 3
    I Stay 2
    A bed of broken dreams 1
    I rise 4
    The Me I Don’t Wanna Be 5
    A Perfect Stranger 6
    Back Pocket Lover 0
    Rwanda 1
    No Strings Attached 3
    My Ninjas 0
    Good Morning 0
    FOR YOU... 0
    Lies of Armour 1
    Ode to Jerry Garcia 0
    And So I Ride 5
    Birthright 3
    I did it to myself 2
    When I was a child 6
    Where are you? 1
    Reincarnated 2
    Death deceves 1
    Come meet her... 6
    Chaos 2
    Tossing Bones 6
    With you...when you're not here. 1
    how dare you? 3
    Redemption 3
    When will i learn? 2
    Selfish longing 2
    your shame 2
    One Night on Sunday Morning 3
    I Will Steel 5
    Personified Promise 5
    Aye Aye Captain 11
    Change 8
    Forgive Me, My Child 2
    What Could've Been 6
    The Great "I AM" 7
    God's Chosen Gift 11