

  • Sadness
    • Kandrew
    • is so sorry she's been away so long! Trying desperately to catch up!



    I'll ride out the storm
    I'll withstand the pain
    I'll walk through the fire
    I'll take the blame

    I'll keep my mouth shut
    I'll bow down to you
    I'll tell not a one
    I'll keep my friends few

    I'll hide all the scars
    I'll cover the bruises
    I'll disguise my fear
    I'll make the excuses

    I'll pray for your soul
    I'll give mine away
    I'll plead for your mercy
    I'll beg you to stay

    I'll not hear a thing
    I'll speak when you ask
    I'll paint my face pretty
    I'll conquer the task

    I'll show them I'm yours
    I'll make you proud
    I'll cry in my closet
    I'll laugh with your crowd

    I'll give up my rights
    I'll ignore all I need
    I'll live only for you
    I'll give life to your seed

    I can do this...
    I know I can.
    I'm just like my mother
    ...And she was like hers.

    Poem Comments


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    Niecy commented on Birthright


    Good read, True test-i-mony but will it be yours too! Curses die, as Blessings fall & breaks barriers down. Your light resounds...So?



    At the time when I wrote this, it hadn't yet happened to me. Then one day, it did. I left. The legacy stopped there. Priase God! I am well loved now, and grateful for it.

    Creeperz commented on Birthright


    Wow! That is deep. it struck home for me even though I'm i guy I saw my mother go though many things when I was younger. this poem bring that across well.

    writerspassion commented on Birthright


    WOW!! Very deep. Very emotional

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    Kandrew’s Poems (47)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Steeler Fan 10
    Bitterness 13
    Breathing Photograph 9
    Still 6
    Lost and Found 5
    I want to buy a gun. 5
    Loveball 4
    I Don't Know the Words 3
    I Stay 2
    A bed of broken dreams 1
    I rise 4
    The Me I Don’t Wanna Be 5
    A Perfect Stranger 6
    Back Pocket Lover 0
    Rwanda 1
    No Strings Attached 3
    My Ninjas 0
    Good Morning 0
    FOR YOU... 0
    Lies of Armour 1
    Ode to Jerry Garcia 0
    And So I Ride 5
    Birthright 3
    I did it to myself 2
    When I was a child 6
    Where are you? 1
    Reincarnated 2
    Death deceves 1
    Come meet her... 6
    Chaos 2
    Tossing Bones 6
    With you...when you're not here. 1
    how dare you? 3
    Redemption 3
    When will i learn? 2
    Selfish longing 2
    your shame 2
    One Night on Sunday Morning 3
    I Will Steel 5
    Personified Promise 5
    Aye Aye Captain 11
    Change 8
    Forgive Me, My Child 2
    What Could've Been 6
    The Great "I AM" 7
    God's Chosen Gift 11