Original Poetry Forums

Never Ending Pasta

10-01-2009 at 07:03:16 PM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Dear Madelynn it's clear your mind's not on food.
With Wordslinger here it's bound to be good,
You're a nice looking couple, how well you can dance;
The night is still young, here's to new romance!
Poems to be written and songs to be sung,
reason to drink if ever there was one!

10-01-2009 at 07:36:36 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Why thank you,dear lady-and cheers! I wear love well,
but what about you,I thought Gogant had you under HIS spell?
Last I knew, you were meeting outside this pasta laced paradise,
Even though you had both been hurt , you were rolling the dice.

Its no matter anyway Faithwalker, Ill buy the next round,
Ginga, Bandit, Studly,and Slinger-are no where to be found!
So its just us two girls, 'till the bell will toll,
Kickin' up our heels ,at the Never Ending Pasta Bowl!


Last edited by Madelynn 10-01-2009 at 07:38:05 PM

10-01-2009 at 08:32:53 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

I step into the restaurant and who do I see,
It's Maddi and Faithwalk waving to me.
I look over my shoulder, just to be sure
that Wordslinger didn't just walk through the door.
I smile and walk over, avoiding a cart
loaded with dishes and a half eaten tart.
While joining the two and grabbing a chair,
I couldn't believe the pasta still there.
Our waiter will offer to pour me some wine,
with knife and fork poised, I'm ready to dine. cool smile

10-01-2009 at 09:34:08 PM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Please call me Faith as my best friends all do.
Bandit you're here but Wordslinger where are you?
Where is Gogant? Is he under the table?
It seems that to keep the man, I'm not able.

Perhaps, dear Madelynn, you can teach me the trick
I know it has something to do with his dick.

10-01-2009 at 09:54:05 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

When I heard someone mention Dick,
I came running with provisions in hand
To clean up Faith’s act, and to be sure
that no lady leaves without an exam.

So clean off the table and let’s get started
Hey waiter…bring more of those packets.
I’m out of funds you know, but worry not
I’ll see that all is paid in full, including taxes

g............... LOL

10-01-2009 at 10:47:32 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Somehow the poetic barbs being tossed around tonight are just what I needed! Like sitting 'round the table with some good pals!
A good nights sleep is coming. wink

10-01-2009 at 10:56:15 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Gogant,thank you for the offer but please rest assure,
Faith and I,can cover the bill with our allure.
You see my friend you showed up to late
Faith and I have tied one on,and decided were each others date!
New friends till the end, soulsisters you see-
We stuck around,Bandit showed up,then there was three!

You can stay if you want-Faith has a naughty joke to tell
I wish Wordslinger were here too,hold on, Ill call his cell.

10-01-2009 at 11:05:52 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

You two go ahead, I'm Okay on my own.
Eating this pasta and drinking alone.
I thought I would celebrate, a little with friends.
I guess this is how my pasta night ends.
You see, I have posted a poem tonight.
It took me forever to get it just right.
I'm happy, I'm thrilled, but alone just the same.
Lifting my glass, here's to me, what a shame. hmmm

10-01-2009 at 11:10:45 PM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Gogant and Bandit please sweethearts, come back,
It's not too late, let's get back on track.
The bill is covered, don't worry 'bout that,
please sit down at our table, we would like to chat
about poetry and poems, what have you written?
I'm anxious to hear, my dears, I am smitten.
Madelynn, you're lovely, love and write like a charm,
Soulsisters we are and doing no harm,
The prince charmings may try to break us, you see,
but we are Soulsisters and will ever more be.

Last edited by faithwalkfarm 10-01-2009 at 11:26:40 PM

10-01-2009 at 11:46:41 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

I am sorry Faith,I also have to call it a night-
My friend Wordslinger's coming tomarrow on an early flight.
So,I have to turn in and bid you all farewell-
you all stay and enjoy,create a memory to tell!

This has been such a fun dinner,wish I could stay-
But as you have heard before,rest before play!
Next time your all out, please just let me know'
Id love to join you-I have more oats to sow!!

Dont let the bed bugs bite!-LOL


10-02-2009 at 12:03:24 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

You bet we are Faith, friends-forevermore,
We have alot to still know and fun galore!
So glad we have been brought together on this pasta night,
We will celebrate eachs written word-and promise never to fight!
So here,raise the glass-one last toast,
'To real friends and poets the ones I LOVE most.'

kisses all.

10-02-2009 at 12:03:24 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

It's a story of glory of days long gone by.
I'll sip at my wine, wipe a tear from my eye.
There once was a time when this old boy could play
He'd stand on the diamond, if he had to, all day.
He'd make diving catches, hear the oohs and the ahhs.
forgetting someday, there would be no applause.
As it happens, he made one final great catch.
Won the game, but in life, became set and match.
I'm sorry dear Faith, the wines gone to my head.
I'll stop in tomorrow, I'm going home to my bed. hmmm

10-02-2009 at 12:23:15 AM
  • faithwalkfarm
  • faithwalkfarm
  • Posts: 92

Re: Never Ending Pasta

I bid you good-evening and say "come back soon"
but here I'm alone in this quaint dining room.
The pasta bowl's empty for I eat like a horse
my glass if half full, chardonnay, but of course.

The story of love is like my wine glass
half empty or full, 'tis anyones guess.
I'm missing my true love for he couldn't stay;
he didn't explain, he just went away.

10-02-2009 at 12:47:41 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Faith my dear, don’t weep, for I’d promises to keep
I’d been tickling Maddi’s fancy with a comment or two
Read three of her pieces, and was enraptured tis true
Now she and the bandit have run off smiling
She was smirking and flirting as she waved good-bye
Why she even half-heartedly, gave me the eye.
So what’s two lomesomes like us to do even now
Ah, I see a devilish luster of warmth com’n o’er your brow.


10-02-2009 at 11:12:27 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Hello Friends, I'm finally here
I'm buying a round of beer
I don't have jet lag because, I'm the pilot
Drink up, I'll order another one, I'll buy it.

Maddi, let me light your smoke
Leroy, tell Pappa that joke;;;;;;;

Proud Papa
Big Lorenzo, an Italian fella, is bragging to his friends about his sons: "I'ma so prouda my oldest son. He maka fifty
thousand dollar evra year. Hesa Engineer!"

"I even more prouda ma second son. He maka five hundred thousand dollar a year. Hesa Doctor!"

"But, I'ma da proudest a ma youngest son. He maka Five million dollar a year. Hesa Sports Mechanic!"

Paolo, his friend asks: "What's a Sports Mechanic?"

Lorenzo replies: "Wella, he can fixa everytin. He fixa da horseraces, he fixa da boxin matcha......."
lmao, Leroy, your a trip, You know you are a Italian Redneck,
when you use an Raga Spaghetti jar for tupperware,

Gogant and Bandit, you 2 are great, I have to hand it.
And Pappa, and Bill this here thread, glad you planned it,
So cheers, just say the Word for more beers....

Leroy, what's so funnni.
he whispers, this place is better than Papa Johns'
shh I said, we will be here long.

Do you have another joke,?
Leroy is my poetic Kin Folk

He says,

Knock Knock
Who's there !
Pasta !
Pasta who ?
Pasta salt please !

while the music plays
WordSlinger sways
Madelynns way---
and says

10-02-2009 at 11:34:29 AM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Never-Ending Pasta,
Beers, and more Wine,
Morning, Noon and Night -
with this Circle, so fine.

Friends from five states -
six states? maybe more -
Enjoying a never-ending evening
of long-distance rapport.

Your words, they're so real,
What a table!
What a feast!
Thanks for the company ...
tho I feel like a beast!

I've been eavesdropping,
it's true - but you've
drawn me right in;
can't help myself, certainly ...
Now where's the Sloe Gin?

10-02-2009 at 08:14:19 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Dancing Hawk. Where ya been?
Waiter, bring her some gin
Dancing Hawk,
We're so glad you joined us.
There's so much poetix to discuss
Leroy hush, (lol)
You fit well with the other
Poetic Belladonnas
Papas 'Menu has fine eliqeunt pastas
this ones my favorite
Sugo alla Bolognese, made with ground beef
Leroy please
and just a hint of tomato,
probably about the most common autumn sauce,
the longer it simmers the better it gets. Ok
Ok Leroy before you get me lost
what is it? (lol)

Look WordSlinger, the Never Ending Pasta is all gone now

10-02-2009 at 08:27:38 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Well, gosh be gosh, if it ain’t the Word !!!
Now Hawk, you can put away the gin,
and get drunk on Word’s words of sin.
But you’ll be sorry that you ever heard
of the man with the mouth,
and his so-called Italian kin.


Hey Word...how do you get all those pics up ???

10-02-2009 at 10:20:55 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

It's 10:21 as I walk through the door.
The party is jumping, we've added one more.
Welcome young Hawk, to the pasta buffet.
You must be worn out, you've been here all day!
Wordslinger my friend, how was your trip?
Buy me a beer and a whiskey to sip.
Will Maddi and Faith both stop in tonight?
Gogant makes sure his hair is just right.
The band plays the blues, the lights are down low.
When Faith isn't here, the service is slow.
cool smile

Last edited by bandit1192 10-02-2009 at 10:21:40 PM

10-02-2009 at 10:40:04 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

T'was a balmy summer evening,
and a goodly crowd was there.
That well filled Joe's barroom
on the corner of the square.

And as witty songs and laughter
floated through the open door
Bandit, the pundit, crept slowly in
and posed upon the floor.

Where did it come from ?
Hawk nervously asked.
Here, sic him Toby,
if you're equal to the task.

big surprise gulp ohh

10-02-2009 at 10:41:32 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Hello My Good limerick friend
Drink on me, till your hearts content
Leroy, went to pick up Maddi
In his HillBilly Escalade Caddi
Blues ha, great pick
Johnny Lee Hooker, hits a lick
Ginga, And Faith maybe in the Ladies room
They fell out laughing, you know what they do,

Limericks fast and quick
before we drink to much and get sick

10-02-2009 at 11:00:49 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Just a quick drink, then I'll have to leave.
I wish that from work, I could get a reprieve.
Hooker's my favorite, when it comes to the blues.
Muddy Waters is second if I'd have to choose.
My passion is rock, 80s hair bands, it's true.
I'm sorry Wordslinger, I like Motley Crue.
I watched MTV all night and all day.
Back when they had videoes and music to play.
Thanks for the drink, Tell the girls I said hi.
I'd better head home, for some needed shut-eye.
Goodnite cool smile

10-02-2009 at 11:14:26 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

Yeah, with his silveraldo grille............................... cool hmm

Hey Word, what’s in that glass ?
I’ve seen you happier in days past.
When you came through the door
You found Faith here no more
Now look, Hawk has relapsed….

10-02-2009 at 11:26:38 PM

Re: Never Ending Pasta

And now the Bandit bites the dust.
He sure wasn’t trailing
the Snowman with the Coors
Hey, I’m a country fan, my man.
Toby Keith, now there’s one you can trust….


10-02-2009 at 11:50:30 PM

Re: Re: Never Ending Pasta

Originally Posted by gogant

Well, gosh be gosh, if it ain’t the Word !!!
Now Hawk, you can put away the gin,
and get drunk on Word’s words of sin.
But you’ll be sorry that you ever heard
of the man with the mouth,
and his so-called Italian kin.


Hey Word...how do you get all those pics up ???

((By Posing to the camera))

All in All they're all coming over
(forever dwelling in the after party)
Up in the Club, We'll stay later
I got love for all my haters.

(A Nikki Sixx qoute)

"I'll make a toast, you raise the glass
here is a few words to kick the world in the ass"

"When I step in the room, give me elbow room"

All is All
All is well
And if all knew what I knew
All would be a WordSlinger too, swell-swoll
All this makes me whole

We like this place, hey, hey, hey
Just like we love Denim & Diamonds
lmao, me and Leroy sure can find em

All in all again just in fun
We've got Holloween decorating
to do before I spring/sprung
and only if you knew, son
And never shall you will
So don't take my kindness for a weakness
down in my hills
All I do on Op is just show love
So becareful around Poets of Blood

Just to note on how I feel
I don't need a Jerry Springerfield
I can go on and on with me lungs
Just look back at all my words I slung


Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.