love waiting to begin


  • Love

    love waiting to begin

    Your words are carried to my ear,
    they come dancing in the wind,
    only wishing ur pressence was here,
    you are my light in this dhin.
    You are the dream that rocks me to sleep,
    you are the soul i c staring back at me,
    you are the heart that has stolen me so deep,
    you are the love that i wish to be.
    Your touch is buried in my mind,
    you are the key that will unlock me,
    waiting for minutes to pass when our hearts bind,
    when will the greater power let this be.
    You are the heart that makes my soul weep,
    you are the voice that rises within,
    you are the love that makes me complete,
    you are what has been found...and waiting to begin.

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    litldeer commented on love waiting to begin


    This poem is nicely formatted. Being honest, I don't think it is as good as most of your work, but indeed good anyway. I like it because I can feel in your heart that you are happy writing this one. The ending is full of hope and you deserve that. Great write.

    rossmangeles commented on love waiting to begin


    Hi! It is indeed so nice to read a poem from you that is full of hope, expectations and positive note. I just read your broken promises. The two poems are poles apart. Keep it up my dear! You are so talented. Smile and have a wonderful day.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    etheraledict’s Poems (20)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Nature's Nest 2
    Paradox 1
    innocence shed 3
    tired 2
    fora friend.... 0
    emotions soar 1
    what she sees 1
    caught by sadness 0
    the one from above 1
    love at dusk 1
    trapped 1
    purgatory 2
    broken promises 1
    who we are 1
    love waiting to begin 2
    emotions 1
    waiting 1
    senses 1
    Angels 1
    Muted Society 1