cdeluhery87’s Profile

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  • Country: US
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SuSpence profile comment


Hey you, havent seen u in awhile, hope all is well. ~Spence

bforibus profile comment


i think its time to empty some of these poems off your list.

bforibus profile comment


now all we need are some OP babies. o, dont tell no one i rated ur poems. i dont rate poems, but urs are fucking mind blowing. i wish i could hear them come from your voice. the one i have in my head of you sucks balls. it sounds like me. :P

photochick profile comment


Nice to someone else from around home on here !!! I look forward to reading your work

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

cdeluhery87’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Sole(not soul) Mates 0
Swim 0
Expectations 0
Hard to swallow 0
Bathtime Blues 0
Thicker than Water 4
Lemon Drop Long Gone 5
Into her womanhood 3
A Siren of a Man 8
Beneath the Willow 6
Brilliant 3
The Noose 6
Lady in Red Pt.1 (the dance) 2
Cotton 3
You and Art 5
The Turnout 2
Authentic 2
You Know Best 3
Sheets(sated) 3
starry eyed 6
where the (f***) she gone 3
music man 4
before work/can you guess whats missing here? 6