

  • Love



    Why do you let the memories of me fade

    When the feelings I have for you are the same

    Why Play this awful game

    When you now that I can’t give you away

    But u go astray

    Leaving me to have just bread

    Sometimes I wish I were just Dead

    Why are you wasting my time

    I thought you were mine

    When the memories of you almost died

    I cried

    How could you

    I wasn’t born in a zoo

    I thought you were more sentimental then that

    You treated me as if I were a Rat

    My feelings for you are streaming away

    I don’t think I could fight you anyway

    You have never been this cruel

    But you just used me like a tool

    I’d rather die

    Then cry

    One more tear for you

    Cause that is all I usually do

    Poem Comments


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    bforibus commented on memories


    very good poem. its painful because i live this. great job

    kochab commented on memories


    quite empowering. Keep up the good work, some of the comparrisions to yourself in this poem were very strong as the poster below me said. That is a hard thing to achieve @ some points, dont loose it.

    teasasue commented on memories


    that is very strong, and how she makes you fell like a rodient I can picture this and understand the frustrations coming out. good poem

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    melki18’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 0
    My Own Blood... 3
    A Night I'll never forget. 5
    memories 4
    Scared 1
    Another him 2
    The world 0
    He may have said. 0
    A lonely Girl. 3
    I am. 2