bdacuff’s Profile
Inspired..thank you to those who posted comments!
- Age: 53
- Location: Granbury, TX
- Gender: Female
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
Umm....well, I write poetry in rhymes. My husband is second only to God. My family means everything to me. I will fight, kick and scream to protect each of them but I prefer peace. I am a very patient person that can listen to someone for hours without saying a word. I try to respect everyone and know that we are all in this together. I believe if you live with honesty in every part of your being, there isn't much left to fear. I try to stay positive and my favorite thing in the world to do is make someone laugh, especially my sister. She has the biggest, most contagious laugh I have ever heard. My husband supports me in anything I do. I really have found my love, my life partner. I don't have children, hopefully someday...God willing. That is mine and my hubby's biggest, unfulfilled dream. Since I don't have children, my nieces and nephews play the role. I cherish each of them. I have a pretty vivid imagination so I like to write, paint and do other creative things. Much more to me but so little time! I hope you have a blessed day!
Recent Poems
- Is This It?
- Tags: Emotional
- Is this it?That is what I ask myself when you come to mind.It seems I have been waiting for something I will never find.Through each silent moment sadness and longing is ...
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- Where Have You Been?
- Tags: Inspirational
- The tears rolling down stain my cheeks,I feel lost, forgetting where I am supposed to be.The strength of your hand lifts me up high,I just can't see where to go with so ...
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- Fairy Freedom
- Tags: Fantasy
- Just beyond the shadows cast by the lining of trees,a place of magic rustles the leaves.You can go there if you close your eyes,If you listen, you can hear the fairies' ...
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- Alone
- Tags: Lost Love
- A distant voice plays in her ear,She hears it, yet; it fades.Laughter and happiness projected across the sky,Memories of love being portrayed.Grasping for ...
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