The Dancer


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    The Dancer

    On hot day, I felt a dancer come my way.
    He never stayed long but so refreshing the way he played and danced along.
    He danced with the trees so effortlessly making them bend and sway to his song.

    The dancer danced one day while crying his troubles away.
    His tears landed on my head.
    I was trying to tread quickly as he yelled and propelled his fists to the ground.

    The dancer was cooler and breezed by me fuller.
    He danced with such colors as reds,browns, and yellows.
    The dancer was mellow as he danced right along.
    He was so calm as he danced all around me, and felt like he belonged.

    Now, the dancer depressed in so much distress.
    The leaves gone and the birds all flew away.
    No one wants to stay because of him. 
    He makes them shiver and quiver and shake.
    They all in their houses nice and warm but the dancer so blue and you can hear his sad tune as he howls and screams.
    He fades in my dreams and now I call him wind. 

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    onyxprince commented on The Dancer


    I like this also. You are a great writter and I hope that you continue because I love reading you work.

    Panaramicpoet commented on The Dancer


    "and now i call him wind" . .thats a very nice touch. wonder what inspired u to write this. Always enjoy your many styles of poetry . . .u are very diverse.

    jackopop commented on The Dancer


    idk how 2 rate rhyming poetry much. lots of the lines wer pretty well written and u can rhyme better than i cood ever try. it sometimes sounds like ur saying it but thats just another type of poetry. very nice.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    lillyrain’s Poems (20)

    Title Comments
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    The gentleman 1
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    The corner of my house 3
    Murder or Nightmare 5
    Shadows of the dawn 2
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    Feeling 1
    Pastor's Prayer 0
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    Poem 1 2
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    Midnight Train 4
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    The Little Village 7
    The Dancer 3