

  • Confusion
  • ,
  • Hate

    Poem Commentary

    This poem is about how I feel about my new job.  I work at a call center for Comcast cable and I tell ya, it makes me sick even thinking about it.  But, since the economy is bad and I can't find a job where my degree lies, I'm sort of stuck.  So, I have to deal with fake people and these expectations at work that absolutely no one can uphold.  I just want to find another job so bad....


    What if you were so miserable at a job that you wanted to vomit every morning?

    Would you stay? Would you go?  If you needed the money would you bare it all?

    Frustration, anxiety and loathing...even your skin breaks out from the mere thought of entering the workplace

    Stomach turning like a spin cycle, feeling enclosed...cramped and ready to blow someone's head clean off

    Fake smiles and false cheery dispositions make plastic look like the finest leather..Screaming would soothe the psychopathic air but wouldn't make matters any better

    Expected to know everything like a sage and only know the knowledge of a fool.  Thrown to the Amazon and expected to swim with piranas like a punt on the Thames

    Room spinning and every corner composed of standards not even a Phoenix could reach

    As reality returns, the vomiting ensues and you're lying on a pleather couch of all things.....

    Poem Comments


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    Musicmynded1 commented on West-We-Go


    i wouldnt stay.. um.. at least.. i would aggressivly look for other

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    RavenBridge’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Mother Ocean 0
    Sparrows 0
    Anxiety 0
    Heart of Gold 1
    Far Away Thinking 1
    Net of Confusion 0
    The Last Song 2
    The Snake Called West 1
    Essence of Ass 0
    Enigma 0
    West-We-Go 1
    Top of my Head 0
    Anew 2
    White Memories 7
    Poof 5
    Black Angel 5
    My Heartsblood 2
    My Light 3