Your So Called Love.


Your So Called Love.

I have a theory that if you got treatment the same as you give off.
Maybe then you'll be different,
Maybe then your heart will be soft.
I took what you gave and it sunk all in.
Though it hurt I smiled and grined.
When did it begin?
When will it end?
At times it crawled deep into my skin.
I hope it's all over.
I hope it's all done.
So that I can remove myself from that sudden stun.
What you gave me you called it love.
I called it dispear.
You left your self opened,
To be compared to those who give love that's often called fair.
You used up chance after chance.
I can not just sit here waiting for your advance.
I have to move on from this.
I continue with my breath and no wish.
At last I close this chapter.
And leave everything thereafter.
That opening will continue to get smaller day by day.
Once it closes let it and leave it that way.
Now this is the end.
And I'm on the mend.
I'm trying my best not to bend.
This is not to offend.
So do not yet defend.
I'm saying so long.
My so called friend.

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Micheal18’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Its not fair 1
ScReAm 1
Choke. 1
My Temporary High. 0
The Way I Choose To Remain. 0
Your Nightmare. 0
Your So Called Love. 0
September. 0
Despite the wrong. 0
Hollow 0
Help Me. 3
Sow This Old Flow 1
Smpathy 0
I'm Better Off Without You. 0
If Only You Knew -1
Affection 0
Victim 0
My Nightmare 1

Micheal18’s Friends (1)