My Spirit From Within


  • Sadness

    My Spirit From Within

    I awake to a very dark day,
    Closing my eyes and wishes,
    That life would just fade away.
    It's a major struggle for me,
    To even get out of my bed.
    When depression is tugging,
    My spirit down like lead.
    Inspiration seems to be dull,
    As my spirit starts to sink.
    Making it hard to function,
    Impossible for me to think.
    The dust goes unnoticed,
    My chores remain undone.
    Everything is falling behind,
    Bit by bit , one by one.
    But , I will make it,
    Through this tough time.
    Knowing the darkest days,
    Will not last forever.
    Time is always moving,
    Tugging at another lever.
    Soon the shadows will fade,
    Lifting the weight from within.
    The sun in hiding now,
    Will rise and shine again.

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    Vincent commented on My Spirit From Within


    Your not alone, I heard this once, life is like a roller coaster, It has its ups and downs, without the downs we would never feel the ups. We choose how we want to feel. (GP)smiles Vincent

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    libra46’s Poems (27)

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