"In The Breeze"


  • Lost Love

    "In The Breeze"

    I lie in the darkness of the eve under the star filled sky, gazing upon this emblazoned moon as the dust in the breeze brushes upon these embittered lips………
    I brought to you this evening filled with the joy of many treasures, you gave to me these tears this night, filled of grief without measure.
    I brought to you the hearts tender shoot filled with an eve of rapture, you gave to me this tepid emotion, empty of a love that one may not capture.
    I will awaken and arise under the rays of the dawn covered by the mist of the morning dew, listening to the sweet cries of your breath in the breeze as it brushes upon these deafened trees…….

    Judith A Birdsong

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    Vincent commented on "In The Breeze"


    very well done.

    bforibus commented on "In The Breeze"


    i really liked this poem. i look forward to reading the` rest of ur works

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    houseofbirdsong’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Tears of Sorrow" 10
    In The Heart Of Thine Soul 8
    The Prodigal Daughter 5
    "Whispering" 6
    "A Tear For Michael" 3
    "Winds Of Betrayal" 8
    "A Song Of Love" 1
    "Sempiternal Love" 2
    "Expression Of A Dream" 4
    "In The Breeze" 2