I guess it's all over,you know? The way we were?
I really thought you were the one..
or maybe not, I say that about everyone.
Why is this so difficult?
Whatever this is.
Whatever it WAS I should say
because It is over...
No going back this time.
Got that Elizabeth? You got that?
Listen to me! Not your damn heart,
but your brain this time.
You've been listening to your heart
waaaaaaay too many times.
This time it's for real.
Don't leave me anymore.
I can't be alone.
My defense broke and I was alone,
but it's growing back.
I'm starting to be the Strong Girl again.
Someone I hate being.
Bring the tissues...
Cause this is the last time your heart has something to say.
I'm taking over...
So bring those tissues.
It's the last time you'll be needing them.
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