53 truths about me


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    53 truths about me

    I am way too sensitive.

    I love to be silly.

    I tend to hold back.

    I am honest especially with my feelings.

    I think with my heart.

    I don't know how to kinda do something...If I am gonna do it chances are I will over do it.

    I thrive on nuturing and caring for those I love the most.

    I have a very hard time with trust.

    I am a people pleaser.

    I find giving easy...and receiving hard.

    Compliments make me uncomfortable at times.

    I possibly invented the what if game.

    People assume because I tend to be naive that I am stupid-don't be mistaken.

    I may not stick up for me but I would lay down my life for you.

    When I love it is with all of me.

    I bake way too much..thank God I rarely eat what I make.

    If I can fix it for you I will even when you should fix it yourself.

    I am loyal to a fault.

    I tend to simplify life in my own head.

    I'd rather be barefoot.

    I don't wanna grow up.

    There are times I feel like an open wound just waiting for the salt...

    Sometimes I just want to help...

    I annoy myself at times...I can imagine how you feel... lol

    I think too much.

    I am learning patience from the most patient person I have met...

    Building a wall is easy...trying to remove the bricks is the hard part.

    I don't understand cheaters or liars-doesn't mean I judge them either.

    Music can affect me to the core.

    People always think that I love cleaning---actually I just dislike messes more...

    Time heals wounds but also leaves scars that are painfully visable at times.

    I don't get math---nor do I care to.

    I have been hurt my many and loved by few.

    I am generally dubbed 'too nice'.

    I can be a bitch I just choose not to be.

    I really live by the golden rule...I treat everyone how I want to be treated...this is not always a good thing but I cannot treat others the way some have treated me.

    Sometimes I feel like a novelty that wears off...

    I don't understand violence.

    I should have been born in the 1940's.

    I blush way too easy.

    I hate the word lazy.

    I can be very stubborn.

    I have a soft spot for daddys.

    I feel with my soul.

    I don't know how to be fake.

    Yes, I cry easily but the tears are always real.

    I write poetry or something almost daily.

    Somewhere along the line my survival has caused me to catastrophize...I am trying to change this.

    I never assume I am important to anyone.

    I never take love for granted.

    Sometimes I get a glimpse of myself without the baggage of the awful past.

    Sometimes loving makes me feel the most vulnerable.

    I may not always speak my mind...but I will speak my heart..

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    Crush commented on 53 truths about me


    i love you ! "...i possibly invented the what if game." that is simply marvelous. thanks.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Qsangel’s Poems (47)

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