BloodStone Hotel


Poem Commentary

Oh.... Do you need a room for the night? :Well I have just the one for you.... It's very Budget Friendly and has a Killer View! :)

BloodStone Hotel

The sky was dark ... Pitch black in fact,
The wind was brisk and cold as ice.
I had been riding for hours -at least it seemed,
I needed to find a place for the night.
A neon light glowed ... just ahead on the bend,
Beckoning my sore bones - a place to lie my head.
The “Vacancy” sign lit, a welcome sight indeed,
I pulled in, parked my bike, while sighing in relief.
I heard the wind howling … singing it's song of the dead,
Walking up the BloodStone path, longing for a soft bed.
The bellboy took my bag as he smiled and gravely asked,
”Will you be staying alone Sir, or are you expecting any guests?"
I told him I was a drifter who just needed a room for the night,
A lonesome wolf who had just grown tired from his lonely ride.
The bellboy said "Very good Sir - I have just the room for you" 
As he led me down the darkened halls to a room called Crimson View.
Upon entering I felt it - A rush of sadness and overwhelming grief,
I knew something sinister had happened here, I felt the misery.
I tipped the Bellboy his due and then I readied myself for bed,
The room was cloaked in crimson linen, blood red pillows for my head.
As I sank into it's softness, Startled ... I heard a deep agonizing moan,
I knew someone or something was there and knew I was not alone.
A coldness swept over me - like icy fingers touching my nude body,
Felt like I was being violated - by a presence that was ungodly.
The apparition showed itself – In the form of a beautiful woman.
Looking up into my eyes as she started slowly engulfing.
She licked her lips and smiled at me – As she went down for another taste.
Drawing hard she drank so deep not letting a drop to waste.
She lift her head with a soulful sigh – While gliding up to give me a kiss.
Hovering gracefully over me like a cloud of erotic mist.
We kissed each other so deeply – Tongues twisting and swapping souls.
Locked together in ecstasy as the room began to groan.
She arose to take me deep inside – Gripping hard with her guiding hand,
Plunging deep in wanton desire ~ that a mere man couldn’t understand.
With a need so raw and intense – To become one with the seed of life,
A never-ending craving ~ feeding, her constant desire to be alive.
She drinks in deep, my essence – My soul drawn from my mortal vessel,
Damned to eternal darkness ~ becoming one with this evil brothel.
I’m now a part of the madness – My soul ~ a prisoner of the BloodStone,
Forever bound to the sadness  - In this Hotel Hell that I call home.


A woman then enters the hotel – Crying, that her Husband has disappeared.
Says “We had a fight, he took off on his bike and it’s the worst I do fear”
The bellboy greets and comforts her – And says
“He’s here Miss, He’s waiting for you”
As he leads her down the darkened halls to a room called Crimson View!



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am2anangel commented on BloodStone Hotel


excellent spooky tale. I enjoyed as always. well done.-tonya



Thanks Tonya! I'm happy you enjoyed. As you know ,, sometimes my muse gets a little dark and twisted ... but I like it that way! lol! :) Thanks again! Ken

countrypoet commented on BloodStone Hotel


Ken, This is a very darkly erotic poem which is very captivating and grabs your attention until the wonderfully written twist ending.Well done my friend. Terry



Thanks Terry! :) I'm happy you enjoyed my friend! I know sometimes my writings are a little graphic and dark ... but I enjoy the creativity that it allows me and Nicole is my number one fan and loves my dark & twisted side. lol! :) Thanks again for the Kudos! Ken

Springsize commented on BloodStone Hotel


Your Poetic Story begins and captures the curiosity with a dark night adventure... and it flows with new imagination and syllabic stress ease, so good writing there... I notice also, that there is no hotel name, only Vacancy and need.... so you have Reader's attention, acute, like a cat. .. and now, ok, here is where I wake up... at the room of the Crimson View... that's it... outta here... Tues is a coward... poof... but in you go, must be the Knight thing. Ok, I have finished reading this poem, and I don't think I did more that gasp from the description of the room til the end. What a fascinating and entertaining Tale. So vivid awe-gasping surprise, sensual... and even adds a twist end.



lol! :) Thanks again Spring! You always leave the most awesome comments! :) I'm happy you enjoyed your stay at the BloodStone! I am sure when time permits that I will expand on this and make it a series .. Crimson View is only one room ... there may be many more to follow. Thanks again my friend - Much appreciated! :) Ken

Corinna commented on BloodStone Hotel


Drawing hard I drank so deep not letting a drop to waste...I love the taste this piece leaves behind. Still licking my lips.



Thanks Corinna! I don't know which is hotter - the poem or your comment? LOL!! :) Thanks! Ken

stellar commented on BloodStone Hotel


My gosh Knight....Amazing!!!...I love it so much...this is a high quality erotica....I love the story, the wit, and of course your descriptions...worthy to read again and addicting...^_^ v



Thanks Stellar! :) I appreciate it Pal! I'm happy you enjoyed your stay at the BloodStone! :) If you like this one - I think you'll like Ghost Writer .. Another one of my story poems that delves into the darkside. Thanks again my friend! :) Ken

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

knight4696’s Poems (104)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Suicide Jack 3
Mother 8
Full Moon At Half Moon Bay 4
December Mourning 5
Turbulance 10
The Birth Of The Black Knight (Prelude to The Damsel's Demise) 2
Members Only ... The Complete Six Part Series 3
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Members Only .. Part Four "The Manifestation
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A Crazy Christmas 19
In A Child's Eyes 33
A Perfect Peace 22
Summer's End 18
Insomniac 22
What If? 19
The Widow's Web 25
The FairyTale Ending 17
CrAcKeD 18
The Castle's Keep 14
Into The Realm 15
Alone In The Dark 24
The Fraternity 16
Take My Hand If You Dare (Video) 18
The Possession 17
Demon Seed 21
Cries Of The Innocent 17
The Demon Dance 15
The Offering 13
Take My Hand If You Dare 13
Somewhere Within ... 13
Festival Of Frights 14
Serenity Severance 15
BloodStone Hotel 26
Sister Sin 24
A Cry In The Knight 23
As Darkness Calls . . . 18
WTF?! 28
The Monsters Of The Moat 10
The Damsel's Demise (a grim gothic tale) 5
The Awakening 8
Sunshine In The Rain 5
Path To Misery 18
Unholy Union ~ Part II 11
Emotional Inebriation 20
Ghost Writer 24
Nocturnal Emissions 16
You've Got Mail 28
Voices From Beyond The Door 22
Knight Dreams 25
Dead Silence 23
Beyond The Door ... 29
Damned If I Know ... 24
Captive 25
Sex With The X 42
Celestial Romance 28
In My Desperate Hour 27
On The Cliff's Edge 31
Maybe Tomorrow ... 29
Ride On 29
ALL GOD'S CHILDREN (A Christmas Song) 38
UNHOLY UNION ~ The Beginning 42
Blood Rain 49
My Broken Heart Bleeds 24
Oblivious 24
Coexistence 26
Haven't We Met Before? 19
Blank Page 87
Salted Wound 14
In A Blink Of An Eye 24
Under The Autumn Moon 21
Dirty Talk 21
The Thrones Of Mankind 12
Shake Ya Down!! 19
Save Me!! 17
Winter Witch 13
Forever - I Love You 10
Tuning Out 15
Fool In The Dark 15
Separate Stars 17
Another State Of Confusion 15
Desolation Of The Damned 17
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OPEN WINDOWS " A Different Point Of View" 15
Ponder 23
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