Ghost Writer


Ghost Writer

This old victorian mansion ~ has seen better days ... 
It's windows have all been painted shut.
The doors creak and the floors are cracked ~
So many projects ...
I just don't know where to start.
~ ~ ~
I decided to take a break ~ and collect my thoughts ...
To escape the pain and loneliness.
It wasn't always like this ~
So run down and cold ...
It was once filled with much happiness.
~ ~ ~
I grabbed my whiskey and shot glass ~ stumbled down to the den ...
At my desk - I rummage through drawers.
Looking for my link to sanity ~
My only saving grace ...
This journal and quilled pen I adore.
~ ~ ~
I start to write down my story ~ the words begin to bleed ...
Trickling drops from my memory.
Haunted by ghosts of the past ~
Overcome by my grief ...
Demons come alive - awaiting release.
~ ~ ~
The day that you died still haunts me ~ it viciously attacks ...
This pain is just so agonizing.
Another shot - my head hits the desk ~
The darkness evolves ...
It consumes and surrounds me.
~ ~ ~
The visions I see torment me ~ broken glass and blood ...
Dripping from the bedroom balcony.
You escaped the demons by running ~
Crashing through glass doors ..
Falling to your death in front of me.
~ ~ ~
Your escape has held me captive ~ forever lost in grief ...
There is nothing I can do but die.
I have no other reason to live~
Nothing more to give ...
Your death has taken away my life.
~ ~ ~ 
I woke up from the sunlight ~ shining in my eyes ...
To read the words that were before me.
The ink looked like dried blood drops ~
In writing not my own ...
It read - "Please love, Please forgive me"
~ ~ ~

This old victorian mansion ~
has seen better days ... 



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redbloodink commented on Ghost Writer


Wow how intense of a write with a deep meaning of life and death and how we can choose life even if it seems like death would be better..... red



Thanks Red! :) I appreciate the read and your insightful comments. So happy you enjoyed! :) Ken

countrypoet commented on Ghost Writer


Ken, A very interesting and haunting poem.The ending gives me chills.Very well written. Terry



Thanks again Terry for all your reads and comments .. I appreciate your reviews. This is my first attempt at "story/poem" writing. I am trying to incorporate more of these in my portfolio. I like the creativity and find it challenging to write. Thanks again! :) Ken

mustascheman commented on Ghost Writer


What en eerie sadness this makes me feel! Very powerful stuff..I had a sinking feeling in my gut by the time I reached the end. SWEET NIPPLES this was good. I guess I should start paying more attention to your does seem to have a linear vestige with my work. Great job.



Thanks Stash! :) I think we do have quite a bit in common with our writing styles. I guess we're kinda like, kindred spirits of sorts. I enjoy your works immensely. Thanks again for the read and comments my friend! Much appreciated! :) Ken

tierra7 commented on Ghost Writer


Sir Knight- again, you blow me away with such incredible poetry ,you create w/your magical pen... you're like a distinctive chef preparin' the finest for his friends...this mansion you speak of ...sounds like one we have here locally ~smile~ you my sweet friend are a master Poet...well deservin' of a 10 + ...Blessings ! ..Tierra @}-'-,



Thanks T ~ you humble me so my friend! :) But I like it! lol! :) Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and 10! Much appreciated! :) Ken

CasimirJash commented on Ghost Writer


you write such good poem...I feel inspired everytime I read one of your poems



Cas! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! You humble me so ... I'm happy you find inspiration from my writes and I'm proud that you find them good enuff to do so! :) Thanks againmy friend! :) Ken

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

knight4696’s Poems (104)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Suicide Jack 3
Mother 8
Full Moon At Half Moon Bay 4
December Mourning 5
Turbulance 10
The Birth Of The Black Knight (Prelude to The Damsel's Demise) 2
Members Only ... The Complete Six Part Series 3
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Labyrinth Of Lies 16
A Crazy Christmas 19
In A Child's Eyes 33
A Perfect Peace 22
Summer's End 18
Insomniac 22
What If? 19
The Widow's Web 25
The FairyTale Ending 17
CrAcKeD 18
The Castle's Keep 14
Into The Realm 15
Alone In The Dark 24
The Fraternity 16
Take My Hand If You Dare (Video) 18
The Possession 17
Demon Seed 21
Cries Of The Innocent 17
The Demon Dance 15
The Offering 13
Take My Hand If You Dare 13
Somewhere Within ... 13
Festival Of Frights 14
Serenity Severance 15
BloodStone Hotel 26
Sister Sin 24
A Cry In The Knight 23
As Darkness Calls . . . 18
WTF?! 28
The Monsters Of The Moat 10
The Damsel's Demise (a grim gothic tale) 5
The Awakening 8
Sunshine In The Rain 5
Path To Misery 18
Unholy Union ~ Part II 11
Emotional Inebriation 20
Ghost Writer 24
Nocturnal Emissions 16
You've Got Mail 28
Voices From Beyond The Door 22
Knight Dreams 25
Dead Silence 23
Beyond The Door ... 29
Damned If I Know ... 24
Captive 25
Sex With The X 42
Celestial Romance 28
In My Desperate Hour 27
On The Cliff's Edge 31
Maybe Tomorrow ... 29
Ride On 29
ALL GOD'S CHILDREN (A Christmas Song) 38
UNHOLY UNION ~ The Beginning 42
Blood Rain 49
My Broken Heart Bleeds 24
Oblivious 24
Coexistence 26
Haven't We Met Before? 19
Blank Page 87
Salted Wound 14
In A Blink Of An Eye 24
Under The Autumn Moon 21
Dirty Talk 21
The Thrones Of Mankind 12
Shake Ya Down!! 19
Save Me!! 17
Winter Witch 13
Forever - I Love You 10
Tuning Out 15
Fool In The Dark 15
Separate Stars 17
Another State Of Confusion 15
Desolation Of The Damned 17
Learning To Love 15
Forever Rockin'!! 10
Dawn's Coming! 12
It May All Be A Dream 12
Fountains Of Flame 12
Reflections Of Yesterday 6
It Depends!!! 9
OPEN WINDOWS " A Different Point Of View" 15
Ponder 23
Rainbows Of Tommorow 25