did we try


  • Devotion
    • edgee
    • 2024 welcome....still here, still woke...

    did we try

    there's something in our relationship, we know something went wrong
    we share laughs, cried tears, we instantly hear our favorite sad song
    must we do everything we can to keep together, we ask how about us
    or must we split, go our seperate ways, part ourselves, no fuss
    it's way hard for us to be this way or that when our hearts wanna cry
    did we give up without a fight, we should ask ourselves....did we try....

    the days apart keeps my mind wondering how to fix what was broken
    or was pressure way too much, our relatioship just our token
    i sit here to wonder and these thoughts flow like rain over rocks you see
    i know this is my thought, let my thoughts be freely of me being just me
    i know we used to love to really love, it was never love for us to get by
    but when you love and love now lost, i have to ask myself....did we try....

    that question again keep haunting me and i wish i could give a reason
    to why this came about, i don't have answers can't blame on the season
    my heart now rests but feeling the effects of things that didn't go alrite
    i guess that even when you love to really love, you can still lose sight
    but again this poem, i hope someone can say something, I need a reply
    becuz i have to know this one thing that bothers me....did we even try....
    Edward Orlando Griffin

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    deedeemcgee commented on did we try


    sometimes we try and try and it is not to be. God sometimes puts people in our way that can make us jump hurdles or not. We just have to decide..........Did We Try? These words supercede a lot of others. Well done and keep them coming

    Sorealpoet commented on did we try


    Well man you're experiencing or have experienced love at it's worst as so many of us have. Been there and done that, and it's gets to the point where both can try but if it's not meant then it still will not work. It may work for a quick min but it will eventually crumble. The hard thing is to be inlove with someone you have to depart from and haveing to endure the hurt and pain of desiring someone you can no longer touch, grasp or embrace for whatever reason, just know trying is not enough, things have been appointed and planned to happen in our lives only to make and prepare us for the next storm that's about to come. So keep your head up and know that going through the storm may be hard but the most important things is when the rain stops, the winds stop blowing and in the midst of all the dupree around that you're still standing and it causes you to be able to take or stand the next storm.



    wassup, hey appreciate your comments and you know that's usually how it goes, like you say been there done that and it makes us able to stand in the next storm but i just wanna know is when will the sun come out, its been raining too long now so i need some sunlight....i appreciate your comments and everything i write, i have either been thru it or put someboosdy thru it and alot of things i look back on and that gives me inspiration to write....the people that read my work inspire me to write, i appreciate all they (you too) read and i appreciate any comments that anyone may have....i am back now and i will start back to reading peoples work and i dont comment negative on it becuz its what they write from what they think so who am i to tell somebody they wrong about their own thoughts....that's what makes me the me that i am and i wanna continue being the me that i wanna be with you alkl help and the will of GOD, let man be man and let him shine as i see fit....you keep your shine my brother and you let it be known that you have it and you gonna use it....peace be with you until next time

    JLove commented on did we try


    this is the samething i've been through. one person tries with actions the other tries with words. each person stuggles with thier point of view. a little thing called the past gets in the way building a mountain to tall to climb. i fell this one 100%

    Alliyahj3 commented on did we try


    you know so many people think the same thing!!!!! its never enough to know you love someone____ it takes so much more. i wonder every day if i should have tried harder to keep that special man in my life but like the wind i let him blow away now all i can think about is did i do my best????? with this read you touched me in many ways, its crazzzzzy how it hit home wit me!!! LOVE IT : )

    Spiralout1022 commented on did we try


    i feel you on this one, hell i went through it once before and dammit all im going through it a bit now, it really spoke to me, good read.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    edgee’s Poems (35)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    me being write or wrong 0
    untitled love 0
    random thought 0
    Save Me 0
    random thought 0
    Save Me 1
    this woman again 1
    this time i cry 3
    3 o'clock low 1
    we as a people 1
    still wondering 2
    Don't Bother 3
    playing the puppet 3
    strange ways 4
    drift away 1
    broken 1
    did we try 7
    for you, i will 5
    Letters To My Poets 2
    "Fear" 1
    love is again 3
    love is 6
    Black Man, I Am Thee 2
    my manhood, my curse 3
    This Woman, Beautiful Woman 8
    Nobody Know.... -17
    Guess Who's Back... 1
    a phone conversation 2
    just my feelings 1
    Something Not To See 1
    Strength 2
    Don't Know 1
    My Temple 0
    The Ghost of Me 5
    My Present, My Past, Not My Future 2