Feel Free


  • Other

    Feel Free

    The only place where I feel at peace
    Is in the computer world,
    In this place,
    You don't need to look anyone in the face.
    Don't have others put you down cause of race.
    In this “other dimension”
    I feel free
    To try to be me.
    Feel free to take a stand.
    Feel free to take command.
    In this place, others look up to me.
    Say that I'm as cool as cool can be.
    I just wish the same was true
    But, in this world,
    in reality,
    I'm pretty much
    a “social casualty”.
    In this world,
    I try to hide.
    Don't have the courage
    To do otherwise.
    Past torments come into play
    Whenever I open my mouth to say
    Anything to anyone.
    I just try to get through the day.
    Wishing I had the courage to say
    What's on my mind.
    To stand up to those
    Who are unkind.
    Through constant study
    And prayer
    The Good Lord above
    Will get me there.
    He stays with me
    All the day through
    To give me the strength
    To do what I need to do.
    With His help
    I can try
    To show the world that
    There's more to me
    Than what meets the eye.
    He's been helping me
    To feel just as free
    In this place
    As I do
    In Cyberspace.

    Poem Comments


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    lightcourier commented on Feel Free


    Again, I like the way you take your personal feelings, put them in rhyme form and end the verse with a positive slant. That is the difference between poetry and self wallowing to me. I really enjoy reading your poetry. Don't be fooled by the illusions outside of cyberspace.

    Robin commented on Feel Free


    this is very good, but I hope your everyday life is free to be you also...

    SusanLee commented on Feel Free


    I thoroughly like this poem. Thanks for writting it. Your poems need a book of their own so they can be read as a banquet.

    moonchild commented on Feel Free


    I so can relate also. great write.

    keithrberryjr commented on Feel Free


    great job.I really like the poem

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Bladebearer’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Why? 3
    True Love 4
    Why Can't I? 9
    Social Pack 23
    Me, Adventist 24
    Writer's Block 15
    Feel Free 23
    A Christmas Poem 13
    Alone,...And Yet Not 24
    What If 19