Robin’s Profile

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

  • Age: 68
  • Location: Morehead City, NC
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


My poems are my poems, some from my heart some from real life events... but they are my own works... I don't steal other author's works and don't copy any without the authors permission... please enjoy my poetry...My life is very simple. I am a stay home mom. I have three very beautiful daughters and one is still living at home whom I Home School. I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. I have always had a desire to write. Most of it is poetry. When I feel inspired to write a poem I usually write it to music. After all isn't that what poetry really is. (a Psalm!) I have had a few of them published. I feel that I can put my thoughts, feelings and my heart on paper. I was a gospel singer for 25 years and I believe that's why I have a love for poetry. I have also written some gospel songs. I think that's where my talent for writing poetry stems from. I love a great variety of poems and story's. I don't know what inspires others to write a poem, with me its everything around me and part of me, and all that is in the world. ... Most of my family and my girls are what inspires me. I love to read poetry by other authors. I think you can tell alot about a person by reading their poetry...Don't you agree?...


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TwistedAce profile comment


Sorry i haven't written anymore poems lately, i've been really really busy with i guess just life and work lol. I'll be sure to personally send you an invite to read my latest one when i'm done :) thank you for your support!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Robin’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I left the world Today 2
The Heart of a Woman 2
Until Its Too Late 17
Better the World Today 5
The Doughnut 13
Will You Marry Me 7
I saw it in her Eyes 7
Waiting by the Phone 0
The Key to my Heart 1
Two Hearts Beat as One 2
Monsters are Real 6
Remember when I am Dead 1
Counting Sheep 3
Angel Food Cake 4
I will always Love You 1
Don't go in the Cellar 1
Hush My Little One 0
Red Mans Heart Bleeds Red 1
You are my Angel 0
Angel's Eye's 0
Wings of Love 0
Red Man “A Dying Breed” 4
Listen To My Heart 1
Your Picture 1
I'm Just Love Sick 2
"You Are" 3
My Secret Place 5
The Little Arguments 0
Who taught me? 3