A Gift to Mankind


Poem Commentary

This poem is true of my mom. She has been my inspiration and hero. My mother is an angel who has been light to all that have been blessed enough to know. I love her with all my heart, and I am truly lucky to have a mom like her.

A Gift to Mankind

I love my mom more than words can express,
She has been there when I went crazy with stress,
She would not let me feel self pity,
She would come at me with words of wisdom that were witty,
My mom is very strong willed and full of life,
Even though she had to overcome the most bitter of strife,
She was thrown out into the cold with three little ones in tow,
That did not stop her she continued to go,
She had no one to trust to lean on,
Everyone who should have been there for her had gone,
That didn't stop my mom from giving us all her love,
It didn't stop stop her from praying to our God above,
There were hard times when she would fall and cry,
Then she would pick herself back up with a sigh,
My mom worked hard for everything she owned,
She worked her fingers to the bone,
To make sure my brothers and I had a home,
She never asked the government for a dime,
She never went on welfare at any time,
My mom with three little children in tow,
Stood up high when others would try to bring her down low,
She did not lose hope,
Even in times when it was hard to cope,
She still tries to be her best everyday,
While she makes her own way,
She is still gentle and kind,
She is the most precious and beautiful woman anyone will ever find,
Her heart is filled with laughter and love
She was sent from heaven above,
She is the definition of a mother's love.

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BlackButterfly1 commented on A Gift to Mankind


This is very very sweet. I'm sure this would bring tears to any mother's eyes.

WordSlinger commented on A Gift to Mankind


This is great to read about, I like strong, faithful poems, a lseeon, and things for you to teach your kiddos, and poets :), ty WS

FreeBird02 commented on A Gift to Mankind


At last, where it is seldom felt or seen, you deliver a blossoming depictive life processing narrative story of your mother, the one you cherish from then to now... forever true.

truth917 commented on A Gift to Mankind


There is nothing like a mothers love for her child and vise Versa.. . Great piece one can feel the love and passion in it. Thank you

MrGee commented on A Gift to Mankind


Nicely written and a terrific dedication to one's mother. You also make good use of the metaphor and the rhythmn and rhymn of the poem continues throughout the work. An obvious 10 from me

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

BrokenHeart2009’s Poems (33)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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A Crush 1
Waiting For An Answer 2
Creepy 3
Question 2
Endless Fall 2
Men Are People 26
Final Words 11
A Gift to Mankind 6
Together We Say Goodbye 6
Your Wife 9
No One to Save Me From The Dark 5
In The Beginning 3
You And Me 1
My Daughters 7
Lonely 4
Don't Leave 2
The Sounds of a Broken Heart 4
Regret 7
Twisted 7
Hold Your Vows 4
Love's Bite 3
Shame On Me For Being With You 11
The Kiss's Coal 2
You Reap What You Sow 5
In Love With A Lie 5
My Story 5
Warning 2
Leave Me 2
What Do We DO? 3
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