Fun And Games


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One of my first attempts at rap. Wrote during a dark period of my life I never want to go back to.

Fun And Games

School is in session, let me teach you all a lesson
There is this game, with a runaway train
That can cloud your mind, driving you insane

This game is like no other,
At first you will help each other
But in the end, no one will bother
It's all fun and games at the start
Until everything around you, starts to fall apart

If you keep going, and never look back
It can even cause a heart attack 
Especially if you play around with something to relax

As the game continues to go, the hate flows
Straight up your nose, telling you to just go and go
Soon you can fell it in your veins
Its already clouded your mind and drove you insane

So play, and play hard, and reach for the stars
Just don't run out of steam and fall to mars
Now I drink beer and try to forget, as I smoke my cigarette

I'm trying to walk off my confusion,
But I'm walking through an illusion
My fun house full of mirrors,
Is crumbling apart pushing me into tears
Getting lost in this crumbling maze of mirrors
Is one of my worst fears

I run, looking for a way out
But run into myself, as I scream and shout 
I walk to and from myself down every hall
Staggering, praying I don't fall
This maze has to have an end
But its taken all of my friends

With no exit in sight, I look for a light
But the darkness is to bright
I peek around every bend
Trying to find a friend
To help me bring this illusions end

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

markah79’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Stuck 0
Nightmares, To Dreams 0
Keep The Dream Alive 0
Fun And Games 0
Finding Faith 0
Feins 1
I just write 2
The Boy Scout 0
I Don’t Need A Lot Of Money 0
Life, Moving On 3
Class Clown 0
Finding Time 0
Best Of The Best 1
Lost, in a daydream 0
My Escape 0
To Much Breakfast 0
Just Walk Away 2
Divided 0