


how do patches of dark and light

that lean and subtle lines divide

depict such beauty, noble, proud?


distracted look that's foggy, veiled,

no more than strokes of light and shade,

yet all too real to fascinate...


and though it's only ink and space

I delve into your mystic grace,

I fell into your lovely face.

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EyesOfRain commented on sepia


Also I'm adding this to my favorites. It is such an easy pleasurable piece to digest. Love it,! :)

EyesOfRain commented on sepia


Oooh this one was delightful and flowed so well! Very good.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Sleeves’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
memories 0
album 0
turquoise 1
delusion 0
cold 1
wife 0
imprinted 0
sepia 2
emerge 1
gravity 0
Two haikus 0
Strips 7
The lone wheat 3
Life that never was 3
Tide 4
I awake 5
Lúthien 5
Gone with the whales 2
Picture 3
Perfect looks 2
You, here 3
Scarred 5
Fade 1