The Earth's Rebirth Pt.2 ( Death Becomes You)


  • Death

    The Earth's Rebirth Pt.2 ( Death Becomes You)

    If you follow the path of a monster that's what you'll become
    The wrong side of a one-sided battle, your soul is all but gone!
    I walk the path of glory, Death will ride my sin!
    You think you have the answer! This is how I live!

    But confused you are on your path to death
    Your heart beat sharpens, a sudden shortness of breath
    Spots flash in your eyes like a swarm of flying insects
    Having visions of a tunnel fire, your soul searching, whats next

    I plow down the hate in front
    I loathe the hate behind
    I cannot see one step ahead my eyes are nearly blind
    My soul is torn apart by the matrix that is called my fear!
    I cannot help my tattered fate! This is how I live!

    How you or I live which in reality is how we both die
    Validates the predetermined horror, feeding the monsters high
    Like there is no tomorrow! Surging forward with revenge and malice minds
    Run blindly in darkness with HUNGER, so surprising to find ?

    But as the pain grows stronger
    My fragile heart grows still
    In the end I chose my wretched path..
    ..This is how I Lived..

    As the warmth of your body slowly starts to dissipate
    Your life is a flashing slide show, swallowing your fate
    Chills of rigor mortis creep closer as your functions reduce to goo
    You found what you were born for: Death becomes you

    AngelOfDeath & FiloRozzell
    2009 (All Rights Reserved)

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    TheAngelOfDeath commented on The Earth's Rebirth Pt.2 ( Death Becomes You)


    Haha it was a pleasue working with you one this poem it turned out butifuly. lol so what you ben up to? ready for anouther duete?



    Why Not?

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    FiloRozzell’s Poems (28)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A mind storm pt 1 1
    Miss Thang 1
    Breathe 3
    Farewell My Friend 3
    Lord however you give it, I’ll take it 3
    “Lord if I’m still alive?” Then why do I feel so dead inside? 7
    "What Now?" 6
    Misunderstood 6
    The Earth's Rebirth Pt.2 ( Death Becomes You) 1
    No One Heard A Thing 7
    She Can't See ME 4
    The Demon in Me.(a Duet) 4
    Why I do Write Pt.1 3
    Could it be 8
    I've Falllen Short 1
    All for a high 5
    You're not the Pill 4
    Her 6
    When our world was one 13
    I Played The Game 5
    My mind is saying no but yes is the answer 5
    Ain't Nobody Straight 8
    Pop Corn Love 6
    My Enemy 4
    It's not just the Sex 11
    Me,Myself & I 3
    Who am I? 6