A rose for the beginning,
Illuminated past,
A rose for a cherished friendship
Hoping it would last.
A rose for a moonlit evening,
Frolicking beneath the trees.
A rose for fireside sitting,
You leaning on me.
A rose for all the movies,
And those we claimed to see.
A rose for long drives together,
Alive and feeling free.
A rose for driving lessons,
A secluded public threat.
A rose for a dip in the pond,
Always exciting when wet.
A rose for New Year's eve,
Closest we'd ever get.
A rose for your beautiful smile,
And a shared sunset.
A rose for all your feelings,
Hate to see you cry.
A rose for all the kisses,
Even those that meant goodbye.
Together they form but memories,
Flashes from my past,
A bouquet of wilted yesterdays,
Roses that will always last....
Copyright © May 2009
Kevin Mooney
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