I'll be right there


I'll be right there

You’re the one who makes me think

The one who drives me to drink

You made me go irate

You are the only one who could drive me to hate


You broke my heart in two

But that wasn’t enough for you

You had to go and grind it into dust

To feel better about yourself if you must


Trying to change you, that was a mistake

It was all give and no take

No I think I’ve learned my lesson

Never again will I give a confession


I’m sitting here at rock bottom of this well

Wishing you’d just go to hell

I know that sounds unfair

But don’t worry babe, I’ll be right there


why did I give in and take this bait    

It’s hard to believe this is our fate                   

Now I’m filled with all this hate

Can this really be our fate?


Well we’re going to see tonight, if whiskey can make it

all go right, cuz I’m too damn tired of this fight

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cmlestrade commented on I'll be right there


My my my!!! Would you say you were a bit upset when you penned this? Despite this message of what you call hate(sounds like hurt and frustration) it is well written with excellent rhymes and meter. Hope you haven't expressed these emotions in public because if this lady goes missing they'll be looking for you. On a very serious note your writing gets better with every passing day. Keep it up.



Thank you for all of your support and comments. This was written a while back, and i no longer feel this way. You are correct when you say it was more hurt and frustration. All I can say is that i was very lost at the time and the pen was the only thing that helped me out.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Clayton3’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Scared 0
Old Photograph 0
Late Nights 1
Linger 1
My Own Affliction 2
Emotional Hangover 0
Makes No Sense 1
Greatest Obsession 0
Angel Of Death 1
Falling Confetti 0
Fairytale 1
Half Asleep 1
When you take it all away 1
truth about deceit 1
I'll be right there 1
before i found you 2
i lie here awake yet again 0
what she did to me 1
what i see looking at you 1
not sleeping 2
Prisoner 1
im sick 1