Evolution, Poem For An Indigo Heart
There is indeed bug sex in the air,
What do you think all that blissful noise is?
And they do it as tho’ to dare us,
To be,
Out in the open, free,
As the blanket of the sky, stares at you and We,
Flora and fauna fornicate fantastically,
Children without a care,
Cry, happy, cry,
Through a state of bliss filled tears,
One knows they are alive,
Do not be as the ostrich,
Head in sand,
Blindness for some shall never end,
Better luck next time man!
Pretend pain away,
Away, away, away!
Magick is here to stay,,
Imagination fires the heart and mind at play,
Dream of better days,
To look inside,
Dark light gray,
Burn on the fire your agony,
Be happy and gay,
Classically gay, gay, gay,
Is there really another way,
Then to seek healthy happiness
As you walk life’s path,
Be courageous and on your way,
May kindness be your saving grace,
May you have the quiet dignity of a Self-knowing,
Be as the roots of the trees,
Grounded and at ease,
Bending sometimes with the wind,
So as not to break, please,
Traveling as the water of a babbling brook,
When one finds the need, nomadically, travel and Be,
In squatting luxury,
With wooden bowl out caring for your needs,
Sail the air on that great breeze,
As the zeppelin, ship of state you truly are,
Leap into life without troubling cares, far,
As perfect order in your face does stare,
The universe has it’s plan,
For the here and now,
The here and there,
For Thee and Thou,
What else can one do,
But live raging at the dawn,
Cuddling, revering sunsets,
Drawing inspiration from nature,
Happiness, begets happiness,
Remember that those who will not dream, pee-ewe,
Have wandered into desolation,
Perhaps they are truly screwed,
That fate, ours is not, for We are the dream,
Dream, dream, dream,
Dream mothers, dream that pain of womb away,
As your off-spring may well be the ones,
Who shall save the day,
Learning not to hide so much,
Tho’ like a summer day stillness,
It’s peaceful grounding,
Cause for one and to stand tall,
Be through the roots of the trees,
Holding to the heart of Mother Gaia
As with all life, the leaves too rot,
Is just that way, no ask me why-ah,
Life is a gift,
One must keep on giving,
The good guys,
Will be wining, in the end,
Then who will be the one's "sinning?"
Look fondly to the beauty of the winter tide,
The coffee break of spring shall be here at last,
As pesky evolution helps churn the wheel,,
Be authentic, genuine, real,
Be yourselves my children,
Live and dare to be the perfect you,
Whatever perfection makes you true,
Dreadful society evolves too,
Perhaps with the help of some Indigo blue,
The pallet of sacred truth shall find you,
As you paint the canvass of what is to be,
Live your lives in magickal majesty,
The Faery King
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