It’s Christmas Eve when Bellsnickle comes
A visit from him is not humdrum
He’ll beat your butt if you act dumb
When Bellsnickle comes for Christmas
His ragged looks will frighten you
As his whips and chains will sometimes do
He just might toss hot coals at you
Should he show up to ruin Christmas
He’ll hit you with his sticks and rocks
And throw your body into shock
He’ll make sure he gives a few hard knocks
Since he’s come to punish you at Christmas
Don’t let him force you on his sled
That’s pulled by wolves with eyes of red
When they howl your heart will fill with dread
Should you take that terrible ride at Christmas
If you’ve been bad it’s time to change
For Bellsnickle is quite deranged
He plays a really dangerous game
Should he show up at your door at Christmas
But since you claim you’ve been so good
And behaved exactly as you should
This mad man will stay in the woods
And won’t come for you at Christmas
C.M. Lestrade©December 19, 2009
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