A crepuscular rendezvous


A crepuscular rendezvous

How do I feel seeing those elderly people?

living in a nursing home; helpless

most of them are in their wheel chairs

others are bedridden; decrepit

and some have Alzeimer’s disease.


How do I feel seeing them suffer?

like someone I visited this evening

those two nuns who used to be active

dynamic and creative in their ways.


How do I feel seeing others in pain?

some cry and have mood swings

they don’t know who they are

they just look at you as you are.


How do I feel seeing them soiling?

one has just notified the nurse

about his accident in his pants

‘tis really something to realize

they’re helpless like a child.


How do I feel seeing their loved ones?

watching them as they’re fragile

unable to say what they’ve in mind

a real experience to understand.


How do I feel when that time comes?

as I’ll be old like them without assurance

a man to be ripe in his age, thus far

oh, it’s the future that still has to come.


How do I feel when I pass on to life?

as eternity may speak to me directly

like a friend of mine who died suddenly

I leave it to God, the author of my life.


As faith makes me rely on God’s promise

resurrection towards the end in the life hereafter

His message of hope for all who believe in Him

a consolation, a gift that I’ll treasure more.










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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

mark25’s Poems (43)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Cultural shindig 0
A crepuscular rendezvous 0
I said a prayer for you today 0
Inner repertoire 0
Die Freude am Leben[1] 0
Summer delight 0
Bygone traditions 0
Sacredness of a family 0
A moment to recall 1
Prayer 0
In Retrospect: Chrism Mass[1] 0
Holy Saturday – with fervent hope 1
Good Friday portrayal 0
Embracing a sad mem’ry 0
Cultural shindig 0
A crepuscular rendezvous 0
Bygone traditions 0
Advent wreath - its great message 0
Not for personal gain or glory 0
Nursing home residents 2
On Thanksgiving Day 0
On the heels of a free market 0
On your birthday 0
Opening a hornet's nest 0
Painting the agony 0
Reliance on God 0
Mystical experience 1
The love of my life 0
n town in China
A soldier's tale 1
Redemption 0
In God's hands 0
For a dying loved one 1
The scars of losing my parents 0
Mixed emotions 0
Remorse 0
The wealth of friendship 0
Graduation 0
Grief and forgiveness 0
Happy Ending 1
A glimpse of the president-ele
Reflections of reality 0
A blank life 0