I Can't Hurt You Anymore


  • Love
    • davidm26
    • just trying to post some new poems for everyone to enjoy!!

    I Can't Hurt You Anymore

    Leaving you wasn't just for me
    Even though that is how it seems
    I couldn't let us go on anymore
    Since we'd never get what we were looking for
    True happiness hadn't come to us in those 6 years
    If we stayed there would only be more tears
    This is what had to be done
    Cause there'd be no more fun
    Even though my heart is breaking
    We had to end this love we were faking
    I'm sorry, but I just couldn't take much more
    Though I do feel a little better for
    Knowing I can't hurt you anymore
    You weren't even sure if I loved you
    Deep inside I do, but showing it is hard to do
    I could see the pain in your eyes
    Cause I couldn't give you a love that would never die
    I was always debating on what I should do
    So I held on as long as I could for you
    Not realizing the longer I stayed the pain would hurt so much worse
    If I could've I would've held on forever saving you from any kind of hurt
    I just knew that if I stayed I would be holding on to nothing
    The love, laughter, and fun was dying quickly and soon our love would have nothing
    I know I was the one that let our love get torn
    But it would never become the true love we both searched for
    At least now I can't hurt you anymore
    It's really sad to know we tried and failed
    That our ship we built couldn't set sail
    I want you to know that I really do love you
    I did back then as well as now even though I know I was not the one for you
    I know you really loved me
    That was easy to see
    Maybe a little too much cause it was all your reactions and actions that drove me away
    We had too much love and maybe that is why our love didn't stay
    So much love for each other we just couldn't control
    Also the jealousy we let in was strong and it turned our love cold
    I knew that true love was not what we had in store
    The pain of losing you was great, but I had a sliver of happiness for
    knowing I couldn’t hurt you anymore
    I said and did a lot of things I knew really hurt you
    The pain I caused you would continue until I figured out what I had to do
    I had to set you free, give our love up
    So that someday you could finally find your long awaited true love
    One thing I can say is that I did hear every single word you ever had to say
    This was not the love you hoped for every time you made a wish or asked for when you prayed
    But there was something that was able to hold our love together all this time for us
    That kept our hearts beating for one another, but it just wasn't enough
    Losing you unleashed an intense pain and I have never hurt so bad
    I did really want this love with you, and I tried to not let my feelings for you pass
    I know I hurt you so much, but you'll heal, and the pain will be no more
    Since we'll be apart, I can let my heart start healing for
    Knowing I can't hurt you anymore

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    stormimartin commented on I Can't Hurt You Anymore


    Very heartfelt I enjoyed reading it!

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    davidm26’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Not Foolin Me 0
    too good to be true 0
    Caught My Eye 0
    could it be 0
    MY TURN? 0
    Something That Will Never Be 0
    When I Was Loving You 0
    I'm Broken 4
    I'm Not Ready To Say Goodbye 3
    Holding You For The Last Time 4
    I Can't Hurt You Anymore 1
    Our Love Is Our Greatest Secret 1
    Say Goodbye Again 2
    We Still Have Our Dreams 1
    Ode To My Father 4
    Without You Here 4