We Still Have Our Dreams


  • Love
    • davidm26
    • just trying to post some new poems for everyone to enjoy!!

    We Still Have Our Dreams

    We have been wronged by some powerful force
    It has robbed us of many things with no remorse
    We really shared something that was so great
    But it wasn't meant for us according to fate
    You probably can't see it like I do
    But there are many people who think like me, and will say it's true
    Fate is the power that decides what happens in our lives
    If we were meant to build a love together, fate wouldn't have made that love blind
    If I could stand face to face with fate
    I would pierce it with a cold stare, and say
    Go ahead and take my love so far away from me
    You've hurt me like this before, and again, I’ll survive, you'll see
    Take away all my sight so I could never look upon the one I love
    Nothing will hurt more than when you took away everything we had built for us
    Do whatever to us that you feel is finally enough
    We'll still share one thing that you can never touch
    If you give us a life of torment, we'll still be happy you see
    Cause we still have our dreams
    Fate changed our course in an unexpected instant
    We didn't even have time to try and react with any resistance
    Fate succeeded in destroying the bonds of our love
    I want to shout at fate about ruining a great thing, but afraid fate will just shrug and say so what
    All the good, and all the memories that came from our time together
    Will be there, for us to relive when we need to feel better, and they will be there forever
    So throw whatever burdens you want at us in our lives
    Because we'll know that whenever night falls, soon everything will be fine
    Now I am not afraid of you anymore, and I am now challenging you fate
    To do the worst things you could possibly do to us, with these words i say
    Take away the very air that I breathe
    Hit me with a diesel truck and just let me bleed
    Take away every last person close to me so I’m totally alone
    Do everything you can to cause me pain, but it won't
    You can take everything away from us, except one little thing
    The story of our love that our souls will always be waiting to sing
    The night for us from now on will always hold so much peace
    Because we will still have our dreams
    It is still a painful growth that may never leave our hearts
    At night we can always feel better when we go back to when our happy love had started
    Fate has already lead us down separate paths and totally different directions
    So we should try to build up our friendship, without so many restrictions
    No matter what happens or how far apart we are, we must dedicate every single night
    To the power of our dreams, to shake off fates damage, and make everything fine
    The one thing that fate could do, is cause death, and I’m sure that is what it has been thinking
    With the life seeping out of us, there will be no time for weeping
    Let that happen, we'll just end up in a heavenly that place we visit every single night
    Cause the will power of our dreams will send us back in time to our happily romantic lives
    We share a power much stronger than you fate
    Nothing could ever get that power to break
    You could keep us galaxies apart, but we'll always be fine
    Because for now, every fading sunset, we will forever embrace, and share the nights
    I love being reminded that I was able to give such a strong true, undying love to someone
    Being among the few to posses that power, I’m sad not knowing how much more I could give my love
    Reliving our story gives us hope to have that same love again, and help us to make the next time better, I believe
    All because we still have our dreams
    Seeing all the wrongs and rights we made through the past years, will really help our future loves I think
    Listen to the words of our broken love story carefully as our hearts sing it
    The end of our love will bring along a bigger, better, beginning I believe
    And we will always be happy and never sad at night when I’m with you and you with me
    Cause at night is the only time we can share our past and really see it
    As long as we hold on to and share our memories of our love, it's there that we will always be able to meet
    Every single night we'll meet there as long as we still share and have our dreams

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    drewking commented on We Still Have Our Dreams


    sweet..nice love story...

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    davidm26’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Not Foolin Me 0
    too good to be true 0
    Caught My Eye 0
    could it be 0
    MY TURN? 0
    Something That Will Never Be 0
    When I Was Loving You 0
    I'm Broken 4
    I'm Not Ready To Say Goodbye 3
    Holding You For The Last Time 4
    I Can't Hurt You Anymore 1
    Our Love Is Our Greatest Secret 1
    Say Goodbye Again 2
    We Still Have Our Dreams 1
    Ode To My Father 4
    Without You Here 4