Earth water fire air and sky
All are associates each other
As the body and soul are united
In action and both are activated
With all the created human and
Inhuman plants and trees; living
Ones in air or water or land
By birth each one will body
By birth each one will have soul
Body and soul both are united
By act and activation
As it is one can see body having
Its shape and weight
One cannot see the soul altogether
Combined with in body
Soul is in possession of sensibility
Acting and activating the body
For any deeds and workings silently
Giving strength never visualized so far
Just pasted like body and soul together
This soul which is pasted into the body
Will leave the body, the time will come
And the body will get sufferings of
Destructions by change of formation
And deformation towards decay totally
As such one will call this death and the
Body become useless to bury into earth
Or placed in fire and will be mixed in air
As burned carbon and the soul will never
Regain the place into the body that was occupied
Earlier as the body is alike a wood
Soul that is left the body is not visible
And the place where is gone and resided
Is unknown and its next actions and
Activities are too unknown to everyone
The secret of living is unknown
The secret of birth is unknown
The secret of death is unknown
Even though the helpful air, earth
Light and sound, water one can its
Property some extent as they are
Inter related just that of soul and body
Production and destruction both are united
Birth and death both are inter related
Body and soul combined together
Becomes livings
While the soul and body separated
Death is the result of it
Body will not remain separate as well
The soul too
Nothing will remain without body and
Soul separated
As this is known to each of us
AYYAN DJ-1222011
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