It is more than a century
This has been living on earth
On the road side, many of us
Have seen while passing by
This has given shelter to birds
Insect, bats and all kinds human used
To stay below for shadow safe
Now it is about half passed night
I was passing by three, it started
To put a message and requesting
Me to save it, as some persons are going
To chop it with no reason, just for removing
From the earth to have clear way
What can I do at this point?
They will chop with sharp axe
May pain the tree dying
What is the mistake it has done?
So it is repenting to have justice
On the cruelly thinking of the some
Action going to happen
I am helpless as they chapped in a small
Time and left every branches on ground
The roots are cut to pieces and roped
All together bleeding the strength out
No more to think out the existence of the tree
It is dead and gone
It may be used as wooden panel in furniture
May be known even after dead
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