You and I
You‘re born somewhere fallen down from
Your mother’s stomach that carried you
Nine months and a few days together until your birth
On the earth
You’ve leant some many on the earth about
Even sky and stars; sun, moon as they are all
On systems never varied by itself; they‘re all
Good and fine need one to other
This is not one or two years crossed over seventy or so
Mind is asking a question what is the best thing in mind
Have you ever helped anybody? Have you learnt how to behave?
Looking at the birds and tree you can find out
The love and live close to the nature;
You‘ve given all to someone you have become
Free from worry and started smelling the happiness
And the peace has come and occupied in you
‘Have you understood and will you live tomorrow as you are
Today; whether the body will slide down just like big tree
As slides down to earth, life less; silent; no feels
Will you be able to hold me just a little as the
Earth holds so many on it?
Other hand you will also slide down like me?
Old age is common to you and I that play a little
Just as that of air and water they flow
Always you are depending on me; I am depending on you
You and I are together always depending
On one to other like the birds on the branch
Of the tree; to live and let live till the time
That will come free of the earth -ayyan dj 10402011-
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