Early bird black in color
Darker than the night at sky
Without stars and moon
Wakes up early in the morning
Raising its voice kha kha
And I used to get up
Early in the morning
To do my works
I used to give some eats
To the bird while it is looking at me
From the branch of the mango tree
It will come and eat the food gladly
And fly away
The black bird is very sensitive
And it is watching me every day
When I stepping out, it will greet me
By its voice kha kha
Sometimes it will fly cross left to right
Sometimes it will fly right to left
Sometimes above my head
One day while we were standing
At the balcony it came flying normally
And passed in Between spaces
Without touching us very nicely
Then it was sitting on the branch of
Mango tree seeing us at its side view
As it had done a big show
Is it good or bad which we do not know?
We were placing some food – rice
On the edge of the wall side
It came to eat and gone
It was giving us happiness in mind
-Ayyan- 1001010
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