New year greets you
Good bye, good bye Twenty Ten
Good bye, good bye twenty Ten
Welcomes to you Twenty Eleven
Welcomes to you twenty Eleven
Gate way is opened free
Gates are opened to you also
Always forever
Dawn has brought good message
Down has given is light to earth
Dawn has given us peace and love
Dawn has brought us friendly relations
God is great, he – who has created all
All are for everybody
We can do wonders on the earth and sky
One who knows the love can bring all
One who knows giving anything to others?
Can do everything and bring all to him
I love sunlight, air, earth, sky and water
I can give all to you and others
Twenty eleven will give you all peace
And paradise to live happily
Good better best
Wishing everyone for good
To give love to all hand in hand
Mind to mind freeness
No fear, no fear anywhere
-A y y a n -
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