DO YOU KNOW..!Do you know why God has created you and I
It is like a playground he has made this earth
To watch many of his mind and play
Looking at the sky so wide and deep
Very much light blue in colour
Like the sea water that has reflection
One can see the lovely blue in eyes
As though white in look
This lovely little small bird that is sitting
On branch of the mango tree spread its
Voice by raising its sorrows from its mind
Calling on some; that may be its pair missing
Or gone out somewhere
The cry of the bird is touching my heart as
If one should not leave the pair which are
United and loved each other as family
God has given the strength to live together
And leave apart too
As this is known to you and me
Great things are ending on departure
And it is a nature by god
-Ayyan dj- 2062012
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