WHERE ARE THEY?My father is passed away
My mother is also passed away
My brother is passed away
Grandmother and grandfather too
Passed away, where is the place all?
Are gone and settled
No one has come back and revealed
Their existence having left
Their body on earth
Is the place is in the sky or somewhere?
No one can say about this, as someone
May say they are all gone to heaven
May say they may be in hell
Heal or heaven, is it a paradise?
Is there any rules and regulations
Is there any season and ruler to control?
I do not want to go over there, because
This earth is good enough for me
As I can make this as peaceful one
When I can show my love to others
Love is the supreme power that will make
Every one to move close to us
Love can forget evils and
Love can forgive any mistakes
Love is all for us
Everyone should learnt to make love
Each other, love pure, love cannot be false
Lovers all are good, lover may scarifies
For the benefit of others
Lovers can rule the people
AYYAN DJ - 5022011
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