by nature you and i are together
By Nature you and i are together
My body has become very weak,
Just that of my soul too
As it is of your body has become very weak
Your soul too, who can help to safe body and soul?
No one can help; you are my better one
You are my next, I am yours
Both are together to aid each other
That is the most gifted one, more than any medicine
Looking at the tree that has lived a long
But that has not moved at all from its place
United with the earth is so big as its roots
Sticking firm finding water to grow more
You can hold my hands, as I can
Hold yours
Figures are as of the roots of the tree
Going inner of the earth
When I may not hold tight, a touch of my
Hand will do like a feather of a bird
To heal any wounds and cracks on body
And in your soul also
God has given two hands to hold each other
So firm and tight to remain closer
To take part in actions and silent nature
Rain may come in force as of blowing wind
They will solve many by its nature
Ayyan dj 27032011
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