SHE is
SHE is
She is like the moon
In the blue sky
A small cutting of sun
Having placed in her eyes
Makes a bright look
Honey like drops of rain
In her eyes made me
Draw into mind
Dear drops from her eyes
Colorless odorless moving down
Pain in my mind
Black ball in her eyes are like grapes
In black color
Pulling my mind towards her
Nose is sharp as that of knife
Is very prominent
Cutting my heart made
Cavity in depth making wounds
Lips are thick and reddish
Very shiny makes the way to love
Neck is very lovely as of the conch
From deep sea grown about fifteen
Rain bows are taking her place
Of eyebrows so lovely
Apple has taken her place of both cheeks
And her ears are of very much spread
As that of cucumber- flower
Body is pink in color of rose
With silky touch
On the whole is very beautiful like
An angel
-AyyaN- 17042010
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