COW – MATHA (POOJA)Cow is not an ordinary one
As it gives us
Its milk pure
White in appearance
As mother feeds milk
To a baby
Cow milk is good for us
At any level of age
Milk is becoming curd
Curd is churned to become
Butter milk
Butter is becoming ghee
Hindus are giving much honor
To cow as she is a mother
In home
Cow is very sensible
And milking is done
As so giving to her calf
Honor is shown by giving her proper
Feeds and stay to her
Cleaning her stall where
She is sheltered
Cow pooja falls on
Next of Pongal day in Tamilnadu
Offering fruits and sugar cane
To get our mind in good gratitude
Children are used to play
With her baby cow
Enjoying as friend in view
Gomatha is our cow matha
She is a good mother
In family, we do our worship
-Ayyan dj-
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